Video by Park Avenue Armory N.Y.

The order may also be sent by normal mail to
An: Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik
Kettenberg 15
51515 Kürten
or by e-mail:
The following Stockhausen-CDs are available:
The differences in price result from the stockhausen-contents of the booklets: number of pages, colour photographs,
black and white photographs, sketches.) All interpreters are named in the booklets, but in the following list,
some soloists are specially mentioned in order to differentiate recordings.
Shipping (surface mail) is included in all prices.
Now you may also order online
the Complete Stockhausen Edition on Compact Disc
and pay by PayPal:
CDs | ||
1 | CHÖRE für DORIS / CHORUSES for DORIS for choir a cappella CHORAL for choir a cappella DREI LIEDER / THREE SONGS for alto voice and chamber orchestra SONATINE for violin and piano KREUZSPIEL / CROSS-PLAY for oboe, bass clarinet, piano, 3 percussionists |
23 € / $33 |
2 | FORMEL / FORMULA for orchestra SCHLAGTRIO / PERCUSSIVE TRIO for piano and 2 x 3 timpani SPIEL / PLAY for orchestra PUNKTE / POINTS for orchestra (conductor: K. Stockhausen) |
23 € / $33 |
3 | ETUDE Musique Concrète STUDIE I and II Electronic Music GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE / SONG OF THE YOUTHS Electronic Music KONTAKTE / CONTACTS Electronic Music |
25 € / $36 |
4 | KONTRA-PUNKTE / COUNTER-POINTS for 10 instruments ZEITMASZE / TIME-MEASURES for 5 wood-winds STOP for orchestra ADIEU for wood-wind quintet |
23 € / $33 |
5 | GRUPPEN / GROUPS for 3 orchestras CARRÉ for 4 orchestras and choirs |
23 € / $33 |
6 | ZYKLUS / CYCLE for a percussionist REFRAIN for three players KONTAKTE / CONTACTS for electronic sounds, piano and percussion |
25 € / $36 |
7 | MOMENTE / MOMENTS for soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists Europe Version 1972 (CD 7 A-B) and Donaueschingen Version 1965 (CD 7 C) (conductor: K. Stockhausen) 3 CDs with 4-colour text booklet (80 pages, German-English) and separate book with complete sung texts (32 x 27 cm, 36 pages, colour print) |
52 € / $75 |
8 | MIXTUR/ MIXTURE for orchestra, sine-wave generators and ring modulators (2 versions) |
29 € / $42 |
9 | MIKROPHONIE I / MICROPHONY I for tam-tam, 2 microphones, 2 filters with potentiometers (6 players) MIKROPHONIE II / MICROPHONY II for choir, Hammond organ, 4 ring modulators TELEMUSIK / TELEMUSIC Electronic Music Edition with booklet in English (128 pages) Edition with booklet in German (128 pages) |
29 € / $42 29 € / $42 |
10 | HYMNEN Electronic and Concrete Music HYMNEN electronic and concrete Music with soloists (Aloys Kontarsky, Alfred Alings, Rolf Gehlhaar, Johannes G. Fritsch, Harald Bojé, K. Stockhausen) (4 CDs) |
71 € / $102 |
11 | PROZESSION / PROCESSION Version with tam-tam, electrochord, electronium, piano, filters, potentiometers CEYLON for electronium, camel bells with triangles and synthesizer, modulated piano, tam-tam, Kandy drum (Intuitive Music from the cycle FOR TIMES TO COME) |
23 € / $33 |
12 | STIMMUNG / TUNING for 6 vocalists – Paris Version (2 CDs) (recordings from 1969 and 1982) |
35 € / $50 |
13 | KURZWELLEN / SHORT-WAVES for 6 players | 23 € / $33 |
14 | AUS DEN SIEBEN TAGEN / FROM THE SEVEN DAYS Intuitive Music (15 recordings on 7 CDs) Edition with booklet in English (124 pages) Edition with booklet in German (124 pages) |
102 € / $147 102 € / $147 |
15 | SPIRAL for a soloist (2 versions) POLE / POLES for 2 (Péter Eötvös, Harald Bojé) |
23 € / $33 |
16 | MANTRA for two pianists (Alfons and Aloys Kontarsky) | 23 € / $33 |
17.1 | FÜR KOMMENDE ZEITEN / FOR TIMES TO COME Intuitive Music (SHORTENING – AWAKE – HALT – PRESENTIMENT – INSIDE – WAVES) (Ensemble for Intuitive Music Weimar) |
23 € / $33 |
18 | STERNKLANG / STAR SOUND Park Music for five groups (2 CDs) | 35 € / $50 |
19 | TRANS for orchestra (world première and studio recording) | 23 € / $33 |
20 | AM HIMMEL WANDRE ICH / IN THE SKY I AM WALKING American Indian songs for two voices (Helga Hamm-Albrecht, Karl O. Barkey) |
23 € / $33 |
21 | YLEM for 19 players (2 versions) | 23 € / $33 |
22 | INORI Adorations for one or two soloists and orchestra | 23 € / $33 |
23 | ATMEN GIBT DAS LEBEN / BREATHING GIVES LIFE Choir Opera with orchestra | 23 € / $33 |
24 | TIERKREIS / ZODIAC for music boxes MUSIK IM BAUCH / MUSIC IN THE BELLY for 6 percussionists and music boxes (Les Percussions de Strasbourg) |
23 € / $33 |
25 | HARLEKIN / HARLEQUIN for clarinet DER KLEINE HARLEKIN / THE LITTLE HARLEQUIN for clarinet (Suzanne Stephens) |
23 € / $33 |
26 | SIRIUS electronic music and trumpet, soprano, bass clarinet, bass (2 CDs) | 35 € / $50 |
27 | IN FREUNDSCHAFT / IN FRIENDSHIP for clarinet TRAUM-FORMEL / DREAM-FORMULA for basset-horn AMOUR for clarinet (Suzanne Stephens) |
23 € / $33 |
28 | Music for flute, piccolo flute, alto flute with Kathinka Pasveer (2 CDs) IN FREUNDSCHAFT / IN FRIENDSHIP for flute PICCOLO for piccolo flute AMOUR for flute SUSANIs ECHO for alto flute Xi for flute ZUNGENSPITZENTANZ / TIP-OF-THE-TONGUE-DANCE for piccolo flute FLAUTINA for flute with piccolo flute and alto flute YPSILON for flute KATHINKAs GESANG / KATHINKA'S CHANT for flute and electronic music |
35 € / $50 |
29 | DER JAHRESLAUF / THE COURSE OF THE YEARS for orchestra and tape | 23 € / $33 |
30 | DONNERSTAG aus LICHT / THURSDAY from LIGHT Opera (4 CDs) | 68 € / $98 |
31 | UNSICHTBARE CHÖRE / INVISIBLE CHOIRS of THURSDAY from LIGHT for choir a cappella | 23 € / $33 |
32 | Music for clarinet, bass clarinet, basset-horn with Suzanne Stephens (3 CDs) LAUB und REGEN / LEAVES and RAIN for clarinet and viola TIERKREIS / ZODIAC for clarinet and piano LIBRA for bass clarinet and electronic music IN FREUNDSCHAFT / IN FRIENDSHIP for basset-horn TANZE LUZEFA! / DANCE LUCEFA! for basset-horn BIJOU for alto flute, bass clarinet and tape MONDEVA/ MOON-EVE for tenor and basset-horn MISSION und HIMMELFAHRT / MISSION and ASCENSION for trumpet and basset-horn Xi for basset-horn WOCHENKREIS / CIRCLE OF THE WEEK for basset-horn and elec. keyboard instruments EVAs SPIEGEL / EVE'S MIRROR for basset-horn SUSANI for basset-horn YPSILON for basset-horn SUKAT for basset-horn and alto flute FREIA for basset-horn |
52 € / $75 |
33 | ARIES for trumpet and electronic music (Markus Stockhausen) PIANO PIECE XIII (LUCIFER'S DREAM as piano solo) (Majella Stockhausen) |
23 € / $33 |
34 | SAMSTAG aus LICHT / SATURDAY from LIGHT Opera (4 CDs) | 68 € / $98 |
35 | OBERLIPPENTANZ / UPPER-LIP-DANCE for piccolo trumpet, 4 horns and 2 percussionists AVE for basset-horn and alto flute TIERKREIS / ZODIAC Trio Version for clarinet, flute and piccolo flute, trumpet and piano |
23 € / $33 |
36 | MONTAG aus LICHT / MONDAY from LIGHT Opera (5 CDs) | 79 € / $114 |
37 | GEBURTSFEST / FESTIVAL OF BIRTH choir music with sound scenes of MONDAY from LIGHT (Version of EVE'S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING for choir a cappella and tape) |
23 € / $33 |
38 | GEBURTS-ARIEN / BIRTH -ARIAS of MONDAY from LIGHT for 3 sopranos, 3 tenors / choir / children's voices / modern orchestra MÄDCHENPROZESSION / GIRLS' PROCESSION 1st version for girls' choir a cappella and piano MADCHENPROZESSION 2nd version for girls' choir, piano / choir / modern orchestra, sound scenes |
23 € / $33 |
39 | Stockhausen conducts Haydn and Mozart (2 CDs) Haydn – Trumpet Concerto with cadenzas by Stockhausen (Markus Stockhausen) Mozart – Flute Concerto in G with cadenzas by Stockhausen (Kathinka Pasveer) Mozart – Clarinet Concerto with cadenzas by Stockhausen (Suzanne Stephens) |
35 € / $50 |
40 | DIENSTAG aus LICHT / TUESDAY from LIGHT Opera (2 CDs) Edition with booklet in English (200 pages) Edition with booklet in German (200 pages) |
62 € / $89 62 € / $89 |
41 | OKTOPHONIE / OCTOPHONY Electronic Music of TUESDAY from LIGHT | 25 € / $36 |
42 | SYNTHI-FOU (or PIANO PIECE XV) for a synthesizer player and electronic music DIENSTAGS-ABSCHIED (TUESDAY FAREWELL) for a synthesizer player, choir and electronic music Sounds of SYNTHI-FOU with Simon Stockhausen (2 CDs) |
51 € / $74 |
43 | Music for trumpet, piccolo trumpet, flugelhorn with Markus Stockhausen (2 CDs) EINGANG und FORMEL / ENTRANCE and FORMULA for trumpet EXAMEN / EXAMINATION for tenor, trumpet, basset-horn, piano, soprano, bass, 2 speaker-mimes DRACHENKAMPF / DRAGON FIGHT for trumpet, trombone, percussion and a synthesizer player OBERLIPPENTANZ / UPPER-LIP-DANCE for piccolo trumpet PIETÀ-Solo for flugelhorn and electronic music PIETÀ-Duo for flugelhorn, soprano and electronic music |
45 € / $65 |
44 | Music for trombone and euphonium with Michael Svoboda IN FREUNDSCHAFT (IN FRIENDSHIP) for trombone SIGNALS to INVASION for trombone and electronic music KINNTANZ (CHIN-DANCE) for euphonium, percussionist, synthesizer player |
23 € / $33 |
45 | SOLO for a melody instrument with feedback: Version for flute (Dietmar Wiesner) SOLO Version for synthesizer (Simon Stockhausen) SPIRAL for a soloist : Version for oboe (Cathy Milliken) |
23 € / $33 |
46 | SPIRAL for a soloist with short-wave receiver: Integral version with Michael Vetter (2 CDs) |
45 € / $65 |
47 | HYMNEN / ANTHEMS (Third Region) Electronic Music with orchestra | 23 € / $33 |
48 | PAARE vom FREITAG / COUPLES of FRIDAY with soprano, bass, electronic instruments |
23 € / $33 |
49 | ELECTRONIC MUSIC with SOUND SCENES of FRIDAY from LIGHT (2 CDs) | 45 € / $65 |
50 | FREITAG aus LICHT / FRIDAY from LIGHT Opera (4 CDs) | 78 € / $113 |
51 | WELT-PARLAMENT / WORLD PARLIAMENT for choir a cappella (1st scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) |
23 € / $33 |
52 | ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN / ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for orchestra and electronic music (2nd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) |
23 € / $33 |
53 | HELIKOPTER-STREICHQUARTETT / HELICOPTER STRING QUARTET (2 CDs) (3rd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) world première and studio recording (Arditti-Quartett) Stockhausen moderates the world première in English |
45 € / $65 |
54 | MICHAELION (4th scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) for choir / bass with short-wave receiver / flute, basset-horn, trumpet, trombone / a synthesizer player, tape / 2 dancers / sound projectionist |
29 € / $42 |
55 | BASSETSU-TRIO for basset-horn, trumpet and trombone of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT MITTWOCHS-ABSCHIED / WEDNESDAY FAREWELL Electronic and Concrete Music |
23 € / $33 |
56 | PIANO PIECES I–XIV with Ellen Corver (3 CDs) Stockhausen explains the sound playback in English and German. |
62 € / $89 |
57 | Music for flute and synthesizer mit Kathinka Pasveer and Antonio Pérez Abellán ZUNGENSPITZENTANZ / TIP-OF-THE-TONGUE-DANCE for piccolo flute, euphonium, synthesizer player and percussionist PIANO PIECE XVI for tape, stringed piano, electronic keyboard instruments FREIA for flute KOMET / COMET as PIANO PIECE XVII for electronic keyboard, tape and sound projectionist ENTFÜHRUNG / ABDUCTION for piccolo flute FLÖTE / FLUTE for flute and electronic music THINKI for flute |
23 € / $33 |
58 | LICHTER – WASSER (SONNTAGS-GRUSS) / LIGHTS – WATERS (SUNDAY GREETING) (1st scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for soprano, tenor, orchestra with synthesizer |
23 € / $33 |
59 | RECHTER AUGENBRAUENTANZ / RIGHT-EYEBROW-DANCE for clarinets, bass clarinets, percussionist, synthesizer player CAPRICORN for bass and electronic music (Nicholas Isherwood) |
23 € / $33 |
60 | ARIES for trumpet and electronic music Markus Stockhausen IN FREUNDSCHAFT for trumpet Markus Stockhausen HALT for trumpet and double bass Markus Stockhausen, Niek de Groot PIETÀ for flugelhorn and soprano Markus Stockhausen, Annette Meriweather |
23 € / $33 |
61 | LITANEI 97 / LITANY 97 for choir and conductor (Stockhausen speaks an introduction in German.) KURZWELLEN / SHORT-WAVES for 6 players (world première Radio Bremen, 1968) |
23 € / $33 |
62 | 3x REFRAIN 2000 (English) (Stockhausen speaks an introduction in English.) for piano with 3 wood blocks, sampler-celesta with 3 antique cymbals, vibraphone with 3 cowbells and glockenspiel, sound projectionist. On compact disc 62 German, Stockhausen speaks the introduction in German. |
23 € / $33 |
63 | LUZIFERs ZORN / LUCIFER'S FURY for bass, actor, a synthesizer player, tape DIE 7 LIEDER DER TAGE / THE 7 SONGS OF THE DAYS for voice and synthesizer DIE 7 LIEDER DER TAGE / THE 7 SONGS OF THE DAYS for flute and synthesizer DER KINDERFÄNGER / THE PIED PIPER for alto flute with piccolo, 2 synthesizer players, a percussionist, tape and sound projectionist. |
23 € / $33 |
64 | EUROPA-GRUSS / EUROPE GREETING for winds and synthesizers STOP and START for 6 instrumental groups TWO COUPLES Electronic and Concrete Music Electronic and Concrete Music for KOMET / COMET LICHT-RUF / CALL from LIGHT for trumpet, basset-horn, trombone (as interval signal) |
23 € / $33 |
65 | 10 Scenes of FRIDAY from LIGHT (2 CDs) | 40 € / $58 |
23 € / $33 |
67 | ENGEL-PROZESSIONEN / ANGEL PROCESSIONS (2nd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for choir a cappella Pianissimo TUTTI-Chor / TUTTI choir of ANGEL PROCESSIONS (2 CDs) |
45 € / $65 |
68 | LICHT-BILDER / LICHT PICTURES (3rd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for tenor, trumpet with ring-modulation, basset-horn, flute with ring-modulation, synthesizer (2 CDs) |
39 € / $56 |
69 | DÜFTE – ZEICHEN / SCENTS – SIGNS (4th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for 7 vocalists, boy's voice, synthesizer |
25 € / $36 |
70 | 9 SCENTS OF THE WEEK (from SCENTS – SIGNS) | 23 € / $33 |
71 | HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES for choir (3 CDs: 5 individual groups and TUTTI for study purposes) |
52 € / $75 |
72 | HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES for orchestra (3 CDs: 5 individual groups and TUTTI for study purposes); |
52 € / $75 |
73 | HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES (5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for orchestra and choir |
23 € / $33 |
74 | SONNTAGS-ABSCHIED / SUNDAY FAREWELL Electronic Music (5 synthesizers) 5 simultaneous click-tracks for SUNDAY FAREWELL |
23 € / $33 |
75 | STRAHLEN / RAYS (2002) for a percussionist and 10-track recording |
23 € / $33 |
76 | Electronic Music of SIRIUS in 4 versions (8 CDs: SPRING Version, SUMMER Version, AUTUMN Version, WINTER Version) |
96 € / $139 |
77 | TIERKREIS / ZODIAC Version 2003 for tenor and synthesizer DIE 7 LIEDER DER TAGE / THE 7 SONGS OF THE DAYS for tenor and synthesizer VISION for tenor, trumpet, synthesizer and tape (Hubert Mayer, Antonio Pérez Abellán, Marco Blaauw) |
23 € / $33 |
78 | Music for saxophone with Julien Petit AMOUR for saxophone SAXOPHONE for saxophone and bongo PICCOLO for saxophone with geisha bell IN FRIENDSHIP for saxophone KNABENDUETT / BOYS' DUET for two soprano saxophones ENTFÜHRUNG / ABDUCTION for saxophone, electronic and concrete music |
23 € / $33 |
79 | VIBRA-ELUFA for vibraphone KOMET / COMET Version for a percussionist, electronic and concrete music (Andreas Boettger) NASENFLÜGELTANZ / WINGS-OF-THE-NOSE-DANCE for a percussionist and a synthesizer player PIANO PIECE XVIII (WEDNESDAY FORMULA) for electronic piano WEDNESDAY FORMULA with 3 percussionists (METAL – WOOD – SKIN) |
23 € / $33 |
80 | MOMENTE / MOMENTS for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (2 CDs) Version 1998 (conductor: Rupert Huber) |
40 € / $58 |
81 | PUNKTE / POINTS for orchestra (recording 2004, conductor: Péter Eötvös) Introduction by Stockhausen to PUNKTE (in German and English) |
23 € / $33 |
82 | MICHAELS-RUF / MICHAEL'S CALL Version for 4 trumpets BASSETSU for basset-horn SYNTHI-FOU (PIANO PIECE XV) for a player of electronic keyboard instruments (Antonio Pérez Abellán) and electronic music QUITT for alto flute, clarinet and piccolo trumpet KOMET Version for a percussionist, tape and sound projectionist ![]() |
23 € / $33 |
83 | First Hour from KLANG: HIMMELFAHRT / ASCENSION for synthesizer, soprano and tenor – Timbres of the synthesizer player (Antonio Pérez Abellán) |
23 € / $33 |
84 | Second Hour from KLANG: FREUDE / JOY for 2 harps |
23 € / $33 |
85 | Third Hour from KLANG: NATÜRLICHE DAUERN / NATURAL DURATIONS for piano (2 CDs) |
46 € / $66 |
86 | Fourth Hour from KLANG: HIMMELS-TÜR / HEAVEN'S DOOR for a percussionist and a little girl 24 TÜRIN für Tür, Rin und Sprecher (German) – for door, rin and speaker (English) |
23 € / $33 |
87 | Fifth Hour from KLANG: HARMONIES for bass clarinet HARMONIES for flute
HARMONIES for trumpet
Sixth Hour from KLANG:SCHÖNHEIT / BEAUTY for bass clarinet, flute and trumpet |
23 € / $33 |
88 | Seventh Hour from KLANG: BALANCE for bass clarinet, English horn, flute Eighth Hour from KLANG: GLÜCK / BLISS for bassoon, English horn, oboe |
23 € / $33 |
89 | Ninth Hour from KLANG: HOFFNUNG / HOPE for violoncello, viola, violin Tenth Hour from KLANG: GLANZ / BRILLIANCE for bassoon, viola, clarinet, oboe, trumpet, trombone, tuba |
23 € / $33 |
90 | Eleventh Hour from KLANG: TREUE / FIDELITY for bass clarinet, basset-horn and E' -clarinet Twelfth Hour from KLANG: ERWACHEN / AWAKENING for violoncello, trumpet, soprano saxophone |
23 € / $33 |
91 | Thirteenth Hour from KLANG: COSMIC PULSES Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
92 | Fourteenth Hour from KLANG: HAVONA Electronic Music – HAVONA for Bass and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
93 | Fifteenth Hour from KLANG: ORVONTON Electronic Music – ORVONTON for Baritone and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
94 | Sixteenth Hour from KLANG: UVERSA Electronic Music – UVERSA for Basset-horn and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
95 | Seventeenth Hour from KLANG: NEBADON Electronic Music – NEBADON for Horn and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
96 | Eighteenth Hour from KLANG: JERUSEM Electronic Music – JERUSEM for Tenor and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
97 | Nineteenth Hour from KLANG: URANTIA Electronic Music – URANTIA for Soprano and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
98 | Twentieth Hour from KLANG: EDENTIA Electronic Music – EDENTIA for Soprano Saxophone and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
99 | Twenty-First Hour from KLANG: PARADIES / PARADISE Electronic Music – PARADIES for Flute and Electronic Music |
23 € / $33 |
100 | JUBILÄUM (JUBILEE) for orchestra TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for orchestra TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for the carillon of he Town Hall in Cologne |
23 € / $33 |
23 € / $33 |
23 € / $33 |
103 | POLE (POLES) for 2 (integral version) | 23 € / $33 |
104 | EXPO for 3 (integral version) with Michael Vetter, Natascha Nikeprelevic and F.X.Randomiz | 23 € / $33 |
105 | IN FREUNDSCHAFT (IN FRIENDSHIP) for oboe LINKER AUGENTANZ (LEFT-EYE-DANCE) for saxophones, a percussionist, a synthesizer player TAURUS for bassoon TAURUS-QUINTETT (TAURUS-QUINTET) for tuba, trumpet, bassoon, horn, trombone KAMEL-TANZ (CAMEL-DANCE) for bass, trombone, synthesizer ROTARY-Bläserquintett (ROTARY Woodwind) Quintet |
23 € / $33 |
106 | MIXTUR 2003 for orchestra (5 instrumental groups, 4 sine-wave generator players, 4 sound mixers with 4 ring modulators, sound projectionist) Forward Version – Backward Version |
23 € / $33 |
WEDNESDAY from LIGHT consists of CD 66, CD 51, CD 52, CD 53, CD 54, CD 55 |
SUNDAY from LIGHT consists of CD 58, CD 67, CD 68, CD 69, CD 73, CD 74 |