Complete List of Works
Stockhausen Complete Edition on CD
Since 1991, a complete edition of all recordings in which Karlheinz Stockhausen has personally participated is being released on compact discs. Each CD in this series is identified by Stockhausen's signature followed by an encircled number. The numbers indicate the general historical order of the works.
Stockhausen realised the electronic music and participated in these recordings as conductor, performer, sound projectionist, and musical director. He personally mixed down the recordings, mastered them for CDs, wrote the texts and drew the covers.
- The compact discs may be obtained from the Stockhausen-Verlag: Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kuerten, Germany (www.stockhausenCDs.com).
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Complete List of Works
All works which were composed until 1969 (work numbers 1/11 to 29) are published by Universal Edition in Vienna, with the exception of ETUDE, Electronic STUDIES I and II, GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE, KONTAKTE, MOMENTE, and HYMNEN, which are published since 1993 by the Stockhausen-Verlag, and
the renewed compositions 3x REFRAIN 2000, MIXTURE 2003, STOP and START.
Starting with work number 30, all compositions are published by the Stockhausen-Verlag, Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kürten, Germany, and may be ordered directly (Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kürten, Deutschland; Fax: + 49 [0]2268-1813; www.stockhausen-verlag.
com / stockhausen-stiftung@t-online.de).
1 = numeration of the individually performable works.
= orchestra works with at least 19 players (or fewer when the instrumentation is unconventional), and works for orchestra with choir.
1= chamber music works. Among these are several which have more than 18 players, but are usually not performed by orchestras, but rather by chamber ensembles such as the London Sinfonietta, the Ensemble Intercontemporain, the Asko Ensemble, or Ensemble Modern.
35 = Works, which may also be performed as "chamber music" (for example INORI with 2 dancermimes and tape [instead of orchestra] or works for choir in which the choir may be played back on tape.
1. ex 47 = 1st derivative of Work No. 47.
[9'21"] = duration of 9 minutes and 21 seconds (durations with minutes and seconds: CD durations of the Complete Edition).
U.E. = Universal Edition.
St. = Stockhausen-Verlag.
For most of the works, an electro-acoustic installation is indicated. Detailed information about the required equipment may be found in the scores.
In very small halls (for less than 100 people), it is possible to omit amplification for some solo works and works for small ensembles. However, it must be taken into account that since 1970 Stockhausen also amplifies his PIANO PIECES, for example, in concerts (using 2 microphones) to make the timbre nuances audible from all seats in the auditorium, if at all possible.
In the scores of numerous works, exact instructions for the set-up of the instruments, the gestures and movements of the interpreters, for the lighting, props, costumes and podia are given. These are not mentioned in the following list.
Special microphones and receivers (not listed) belong to the transmitters indicated.
cond. = conductor; only the works with this indication are conducted.
micr. = microphone(s).
loudsp. = loudspeakers.
sound proj. = sound projectionist, who also controls the lighting from the
mixing console in the hall (see scores).
tape rec. = tape recorder.
synth. player = synthesizer player.
1 | 1950 | No.1/11 | CHÖRE FÜR DORIS (CHORUSES FOR DORIS) for a cappella choir (cond.) |
[9'21"] U.E. | ||
2 | 1 | 1 | 1950 | 1950 No.1/10 | DREI LIEDER (THREE SONGS) for alto voice and chamber orchestra (cond.) (fl. / 2 cl. / bsn. / tp. / trb. / 2 perc. / piano / elec. harpsichord / strings) |
[19'26"] U.E. |
3 | 1950 | No.1/9 | CHORAL (CHORALE) for a cappella choir (cond.) |
[4'05"] U.E. | ||
4 | 2 | 1951 | No.1/8 | SONATINE (SONATINA) for violin and piano |
[10'32"] U.E. | |
5 | 3 | 1951 | No.1/7 | KREUZSPIEL (CROSS-PLAY) for oboe, bass clarinet, piano, 3 percussionists (cond.) (4 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[11'29"] U.E.. | |
6 | 2 | 4 | 1951 | No.1/6 | FORMEL (FORMULA) for orchestra (28 players / cond.) (3 ob. / 3 cl. / 3 bsn. / 3 hn. / 6 vl. / 3 vc. / 3 db. / vibr. / celesta / piano / harp) |
[12'57"] U.E. |
7 | 1952 | No.1/5 | ETUDE Concrete Music (2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[3'15"] St. | ||
8 | 3 | 1952 | No.1/4 | SPIEL (PLAY) for orchestra (cond.) |
[16'01"] U.E. | |
9 | 5 | 1952 | No.1/3 | SCHLAGTRIO (PERCUSSIVE TRIO) for piano and 2 x 3 timpani (2 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[15'15"] U.E. | |
10 | 4 | 1952/1962 | No.1/2 | PUNKTE (POINTS) for orchestra (with corrections until 1993) (cond.) (2 x 2 micr. for 2 harps, 2 x 2 micr. for 2 pianos, 4 micr. for doubles basses, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 27' ] U.E. | |
11 | 6 | 1952 to 53 |
No. 1 | KONTRA-PUNKTE (COUNTER-POINTS) for 10 instruments (cond.) (fl. / cl. / bass cl. / bsn. / tp. / trb. / piano / harp / vl. / vc.) |
[14'13"] U.E. | |
12–15 | 7 | 1952 | No. 2 | KLAVIERSTÜCKE I–IV (PIANO PIECES I–IV) | [ca. 8'] U.E. | |
16 | 1953 | No. 3/I | STUDIE I (STUDY I) Electronic Music (2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'42"] St. | ||
17 | 1954 | No. 3/II | STUDIE II (STUDY II) Electronic Music (2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[3'20"] St. | ||
18–23 | 8 | 1954 to 55 |
No. 4 | KLAVIERSTÜCKE V–X (PIANO PIECES V–X) (IX and X were finished in 1961) |
[ca. 73'] U.E. | |
24 | 9 | 1955 to 56 |
No. 5 | ZEITMASZE (TIME-MEASURES) for 5 wood-winds (cond.) (fl. / ob. / Engl. hn. / cl. / bsn.) |
[14'47"] U.E. | |
25 | 5 | 1955 to 57 |
No. 6 | GRUPPEN (GROUPS) for 3 orchestras (3 cond.) (microphone amplification: piano, guitar / sound proj.) |
[24'25"] U.E. | |
26 | 10 | 1956 | No. 7 | KLAVIERSTÜCK XI (PIANO PIECE XI) | [ca. 14'] U.E. | |
27 | 1955 to 56 |
No. 8 | GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE (SONG OF THE YOUTHS) Electronic Music (4-track tape rec., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[13'14"] St. | ||
28 | 11 | 1959 | No. 9; | ZYKLUS (CYCLE) for a percussionist (4 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 12' or ca. 15'] U.E. | |
29 | 6 | 1959 to 60 |
No. 10 | CARRÉ for 4 orchestras and 4 choirs (4 cond.) (16 micr. for choirs, 4 micr. for cymbalum, harp, harpsichord, 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 36'] U.E. | |
30 | 12 | 1959 | No. 11 | REFRAIN for 3 players (piano / vibr. / celesta or synth.) (8 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[circa 12' ]U.E. | |
31 | 13 | 2000 | No.11½ | 3x REFRAIN 2000 for piano with 3 wood blocks, sampler-celesta with 3 antique cymbals, vibraphone with 3 cowbells and glockenspiel, sound projectionist (3 transmitters, 3 micr., 2 sampler outputs, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 61' ] St. | |
32 | 1958 to 60 |
No. 12 | KONTAKTE (CONTACTS) for electronic sounds (4-track tape rec., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[35'30"] St. | ||
33 | 14 | 1958 to 60 |
No.12½ | KONTAKTE (CONTACTS) for electronic sounds, piano and percussion (4-track tape rec., 12 micr., 4 x 2 loudsp., 2 monitor loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[35'30"] St. | |
34 | 1961 | No.12 2/3 | ORIGINALE (ORIGINALS) Musical Theatre with KONTAKTE |
[ca. 90'] St. | ||
35 | 7A | 1962 to 64 (finished in'69) |
No. 13 | MOMENTE (MOMENTS) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (finished in ’69) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (5 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[113’] St. |
In addition to the original score, which comprises 30 individual Moments and 71 Inserts, a second score entitled MOMENTE - Europe Version 1972 in which all Moments and Inserts are ordered consecutively is published by the Stockhausen-Verlag.
36 | 7B | 1962 to 69 |
No. 13 1972.1 |
MOMENTE (MOMENTS) Europe Version 1972 for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (5 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[113'] St. |
In addition, 6 individual editions of sections of the Europe Version 1972 of MOMENTE are available in bound, reduced format. They may be performed individually:
37 | 7C | 1962 to 69 |
No. 131972.2 | ...denn die Liebe ist stärker als der Tod. / to 69 ...for love is stonger than death. (Moment I (k)) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (4 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[26'50"] St. | |
38 | 7D | 1962 to 69 |
No. 131972.3 | des Nachts... / By night... (Duration-Moments with the Organ-Moment I (d)) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (5 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[14'06" + 6'14"] St. | |
39 | 7E | 1962 to 69 |
No. 131972.4 | Klangmomente / Sound-Moments (K-Moments) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (4 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[11'09"] St. | |
40 | 7F | 1962 to 69 |
No. 131972.5 | Du, den meine Seele liebet... / You, whom my soul loves... (Melody-Moments) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (5 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[25'32"] St. | |
41 | 7G | 1962 to 69 |
No. 131972.6 | Oh daß du mir gleich einem Bruder wärest... / O that you were as a brother... (Moment I (m)) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (4 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'15"] St. | |
42 | 7H | 1962 to 69 |
No. 131972.7 | Betmoment / Prayer-Moment (Moment I) for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (cond.) (4 tp. / 4 trb. / 2 electr. organs or synth. / 3 perc.) (5 transmitters, 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[13'52"] St. | |
43 | 1963 | No. 14 | PLUS-MINUS 2 x 7 pages for realisation |
[duration undefined] U.E. | ||
44 | 15 | 1964 | No. 15 | MIKROPHONIE I (MICROPHONY I) for 6 players with tam-tam, 2 microphones, 2 filters with potentiometers (4 x 2 loudsp.) |
[ca. 28'] U.E. | |
45 | 8A | 1964 | No. 16 | MIXTUR (MIXTURE) for orchestra, 4 sine-wave generators and 4 ring modulators (cond.) (undefined number of microphones; the rest of the equipment as in Work No. 16½ MIXTURE for small orchestra) |
[ca. 27'] U.E. | |
46 | 8B | 16 | 1964/1967 | No. 16½ | MIXTUR (MIXTURE) for small orchestra (cond.) (fl. / ob. / cl. / bsn. / tp. / 2 hn. / trb. / 3 perc. / 8 vl. / 4 vla. / 2 vc. / 2 db. / 4 generator players / 4 sound mixers) (4 sine-wave generators, 4 ring modulators 27 micr., 11 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[27'] U.E. |
47 | 8C | 17 | 2003 | No. 16 2/3 | MIXTUR 2003 for 5 instrumental groups, 4 sine-wave generator players, 4 sound mixers with 4 ring modulators, sound projectionist (cond.) (instrumentation and sound equipment as in Work No. 16½ ) |
[27'] St. |
48 | 18 | 1965 | No. 17 | MIKROPHONIE II (MICROPHONY II) for 12 singers, Hammond organ or synthesizer, 4 ring modulators, tape (cond., timer) (2-track tape rec., 4 x 3 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 15'] U.E. | |
49 | 9A | 1965 | No. 18 | STOP for orchestra (cond.) (undefined number of microphones; the rest of the equipment as in STOP "Paris Version") |
[ca. 20'] U.E. | |
50 | 9B | 19 | 1969 | No. 18½ | STOP "Paris Version" (19 players, cond.) for example: I ob. / piano / synth.; II synth. / tp. / vc.;
III vibra. + tam-tam / bass cl. / elec. cello;
IV Engl. hn. / synth. / bsn.;
V cl. / vl. / harp / trb.;
VI fl. / elec. bsn. / hn.
(19 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., 5 monitor loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[20'36"] U.E. |
51 | 9C | 20 | 2001 | No. 18 2/3 | STOP und START (STOP and START) for 6 instrumental groups (cond.) instrumentation: I Synthesizer 1 and bass clarinet; II Synthesizer 2 and trombone;
III Synthesizer 3 and basset-horn;
IV Synthesizer 4 and saxophone;
V Synthesizer 5 and trumpet;
VI Synthesizer 6 (or percussion) and flute.
(perhaps 9 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., 6 monitor loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[21'30"] St. |
52 | 21 | 1965/1966 | No. 19 | SOLO for melody instrument with feedback (special electro-acoustic apparatus, 4 assistants / 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[10½' oder 12¾' oder 15½' oder 17'oder 20'] U.E. | |
53 | 1966 | No. 20 | TELEMUSIK (TELEMUSIC) Electronic Music (8-track or 2-track tape rec. / 5 x 2 or 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[17'30"] score U.E. tape St. | ||
54 | 22 | 1966 | No. 21 | ADIEU for woodwind quintet (cond.) | [16'13"] U.E. | |
55 | 1966 to 67 |
No. 22 | HYMNEN (ANTHEMS) Electronic and Concrete Music (4-track tape rec., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[114' ] St. | ||
56 | 23 | 1966 to 67 (presently withdrawn) |
No. 22½ | HYMNEN (ANTHEMS) Electronic and Concrete Music with 4 soloists (for example: trumpet and synthesizer / trombone, euphonium and synthesizer / tam-tam and numerous other instruments / synthesizer, sampler and piano) (4-track tape rec., 6 x 2 loudsp., 4 monitor loudsp., equipment as required by the soloists, mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 126' ] St. | |
57 | 10 | 1969 | No. 22 2/3 | HYMNEN (Dritte Region) / ANTHEMS (Third Region) Electronic Music with orchestra (cond.) (4-track tape rec., 28 micr., 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 42' ] St. | |
58 | 24 | 1967 | No. 23 | PROZESSION (PROCESSION) for tam-tam, viola, electronium or synthesizer, piano, microphonist, filterer and level controller (6 players) (4 micr., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 37' ] U.E. | |
59 | 25 | 1968 | No. 24 | STIMMUNG (TUNING) for 6 vocalists (sound equipment as in STIMMUNG "Paris Version") |
[ca. 70' ] U.E. | |
60 | 1968 | No. 24½ | STIMMUNG (TUNING) "Paris Version" (6 micr., 6 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 70' ] U.E. | ||
61 | 26 | 1968 | No. 25 | KURZWELLEN (SHORT-WAVES) for 6 players (piano with short-wave receiver, electronium or synthesizer with short-wave receiver, tam-tam with short-wave receiver [2 players], elec. viola with short-wave receiver, sound projectionist with 2 filters and 4 faders) (4 short-wave receivers, 5 micr., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 55' ] U.E. | |
27 | 1968 | No. 26 | AUS DEN SIEBEN TAGEN (FROM THE SEVEN DAYS) 15 text compositions for intuitive music (individually performable) |
U.E. | ||
May be performed only by a special ensemble; all works without conductor; all with electroacoustic equipment. Durations variable. Existent 7 CD edition: circa 7 hours. | ||||||
62 | 1. RICHTIGE DAUERN (RIGHT DURATIONS) for ca. 4 players | |||||
63 | 2. UNBEGRENZT (UNLIMITED) for ensemble | |||||
64 | 3. VERBINDUNG (CONNECTION) for ensemble | |||||
65 | 4. TREFFPUNKT (MEETING POINT) for ensemble | |||||
66 | 5. NACHTMUSIK (NIGHT MUSIC) for ensemble | |||||
67 | 6. ABWÄRTS (DOWNWARDS) for ensemble | |||||
68 | 7. AUFWÄRTS (UPWARDS) for ensemble | |||||
69 | 8. OBEN UND UNTEN (HIGH AND LOW) theatre piece for man, woman, child, 4 instrumentalists |
70 | 9. INTENSITÄT (INTENSITY) for ensemble | |||||
71 | 10. SETZ DIE SEGEL ZUR SONNE (SET SAIL FOR THE SUN) for ensemble | |||||
72 | 11. KOMMUNION (COMMUNION) for ensemble | |||||
73 | 12. LITANEI (LITANY) for speaker or choir | |||||
74 | 13. ES (IT) for ensemble | |||||
75 | 14. GOLDSTAUB (GOLD DUST) for ensemble | |||||
76 | 15. ANKUNFT (ARRIVAL) for speaker or speech-choir | |||||
77 | 28 | 1968 | No. 27 | SPIRAL for a soloist with short-wave receiver (3 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[integral ca. 135', sections 15'–25'] U.E. | |
78 | 29 | 1968/1969 | No. 28 | Dr. K-SEXTETT for flute, violoncello, tubular bells and vibraphone, bass clarinet, viola, piano |
[2'32"] U.E. | |
79 | 11 | 1969 | No. 29 | FRESCO for 4 orchestra groups (4 cond.) |
[ca. 5 Stunden] U.E. | |
All of the following works are published by the Stockhausen-Verlag. | ||||||
80 | 30 | 1969 to 70 |
No. 30 | POLE (POLES) for 2 players / singers with 2 short-wave receivers (2 micr., 2 x 4 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[integral at least ca. 65', sections at least ca. 22'] | |
81 | 31 | 1969 to 70 |
No. 31 | EXPO for 3 players / singers with 3 short-wave receivers (3 micr., 3 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[integral at least ca. 35' , sections at least ca. 25'] | |
82 | 32 | 1970 | No. 32 | MANTRA for 2 pianists with wood blocks and antique cymbales (2 sine-wave generators, 2 ring modulators, 2-track tape rec., 6 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[65’–72’] | |
33 | 1968 to 70 |
No. 33 | FÜR KOMMENDE ZEITEN (FOR TIMES TO COME) 70 17 texts for intuitive music (individually performable) |
May be performed only by a special ensemble; all works without conductor; all with electroacoustic equipment. Durations variable. | ||||||
83 | 1. ÜBEREINSTIMMUNG (UNANIMITY) for ensemble | |||||
86 | 4. ÜBER DIE GRENZE (ACROSS THE BOUNDARY) for small ensemble | |||||
87 | 5. KOMMUNIKATION (COMMUNICATION) for small ensemble | |||||
88 | 6. INTERVALL (INTERVAL) piano duet for 4 hands | |||||
89 | 7. AUSSERHALB (OUTSIDE) for small ensemble | |||||
90 | 8. INNERHALB (INSIDE) for small ensemble | |||||
91 | 9. ANHALT (HALT) for small ensemble | |||||
92 | 10. SCHWINGUNG (VIBRATION) for ensemble | |||||
93 | 11. SPEKTREN (SPECTRA) for small ensemble | |||||
94 | 12. WELLEN (WAVES) for ensemble | |||||
95 | 13. ZUGVOGEL (BIRD OF PASSAGE) for ensemble | |||||
96 | 14. VORAHNUNG (PRESENTIMENT) for 4–7 interpreters | |||||
97 | 15. JAPAN for ensemble | |||||
98 | 16. WACH (AWAKE) for ensemble | |||||
99 | 17. CEYLON for small ensemble | [22'47"] | ||||
100 | 12 | 34 | 1971 | No. 34 | STERNKLANG (STAR SOUND) Park Music for 5 groups (21 singers and instrumentalists) (21 micr., ca. 10 synthesizers, 22 loudsp., 5 mixers / 5 sound proj.) |
[ca. 150'] |
101 | 13 | 1971 | No. 35 | TRANS for orchestra (cond.) and tape (2-track or 8-track tape rec., 19 micr., 13 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 27'] | |
102 | 35 | 1972 | No. 36 | ALPHABET for Liège 13 Musical Scenes for soloists and duets (all with electro-acoustic equipment) |
(not yet available) | |
103 | 36 | 1972 | No. 36½ | AM HIMMEL WANDRE ICH (IN THE SKY I AM WALKING) American Indian songs for 2 voices (2 micr., 4 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[51'30"] | |
104 | 14 | 37 | 1972 | No. 37 | YLEM for 19 players / singers (for example 19 instr.: fl. / ob. / Engl. horn. / cl. / bass cl. / bsn. / hn. / tp. / trb. / vl. / 4 synthesizers / elec. vc. / vc. / piano / harp / vibr.) (6 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 26'] |
105 | 15 | 1973 to 74 |
No. 38 | INORI Adorations for one or two soloists and large orchestra (cond.) (To date, the soloists were dancer-mimes) (12 micr., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or (notated in the same score): |
[ca. 70'] | |
INORI Adorations for one or two soloists and small orchestra (cond.) (33 instr.: 2 fl. / 2 ob. / 2 clar. [2nd also EB clar.] / 2 bsn. [2nd also contra - bsn. ] / 2 trp. / 2 hn. I / 2 hn. II / 2 trb. [2nd also bass trombone] / 1 tuba / 3 vl. I / 2 vl. II / 2 vla. / 2 vc. / 2 db. / 1 piano / 4 perc.) (all instruments are amplified by microphones, 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
106 | 38 | 1973 to 74 |
No. 38 | INORI may also be performed by one or two (or more) dancer-mimes and tape (2 x 2 loudsp., CD player, mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 70'] | |
107 | 39 | 1974 | No. 38½ | VORTRAG ÜBER HU (LECTURE ON HU) for a singer Musical Analysis of INORI (for example in connection with a performance of INORI) (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 83' or shorter] | |
108 | 16 | 1974/1977 | No. 39 | ATMEN GIBT DAS LEBEN (BREATHING GIVES LIFE) Choir Opera with orchestra (or tape) (orchestra with cond.) (in case tape of orchestra is used: 2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 53'] | |
109 | 40 | 1974 | No. 40 | HERBSTMUSIK (AUTUMN MUSIC) Musical Theatre for 4 players (16 micr., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 50'] | |
110 | 41 | 1974 | No. 40½ | LAUB UND REGEN (LEAVES and RAIN) final duet of AUTUMN MUSIC for clarinet and viola (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 11'] | |
111 | 42 | 1974/1975 | No. 41 | MUSIK IM BAUCH (MUSIC IN THE BELLY) for 6 percussionists and music boxes (ca. 14 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[38'] | |
112 | 43 | 1974/1975 | No. 41½ | TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) 12 Melodies of the Star Signs for a melody and/or a chordal instrument 1. AQUARIUS 2. PISCES 3. ARIES 4. TAURUS 5. GEMINI 6. CANCER 7. LEO 8. VIRGO 9. LIBRA 10. SCORPIO 11. SAGITTARIUS 12. CAPRICORN |
[ca. 26'] | |
44 | 1974/1975 | No. 41 2/3-6/7 |
TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for voice and chordal instrument individual editions for |
[ je ca. 26'] | ||
113 | high soprano or high tenor | |||||
114 | soprano or tenor | |||||
115 | mezzosoprano or alto or low tenor | |||||
116 | baritone | |||||
117 | bass | |||||
118 | 45 | 1974/1977 | No. 41 7/8 | TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for chamber orchestra (poss. cond.) (clarinet, horn, bassoon, strings) |
[ca. 24'] | |
119 | 46 | 1974/1981 | No. 41 8/9 | TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) for clarinet and piano | [ca. 24'] | |
120 | 47 | 1974/1983 | No. 41 9/10 | TIERKREIS (ZODIAC) Trio-Version for clarinet, flute and piccolo, trumpet and piano (3 transmitters, 3 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 29'] | |
121 | 48 | 1974/2003 | No. 41 10/11 |
TIERKREIS Version 2003 for tenor or soprano and chordal instrument (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 30'] | |
122 | 17 | 1974/2004 | No. 41 11/12 |
[ca. 11'] | |
123 | 18 | 1974/2007 | No. 41 12/13 |
[ca. 20'] | |
124 | 49 | 1974/2007 | 1. ex 41 12/13 |
TAURUS for bassoon | [ca. 4'] | |
125 | 50 | 1974/2007 | 2. ex 41 12/13 |
TAURUS-QUINTETT (TAURUS QUINTET) for tuba, trumpet, bassoon, horn, trombone |
[ca. 4'] | |
126 | 51 | 1975 | No. 42 | HARLEKIN (HARLEQUIN) for clarinet | [ca. 45'] | |
127 | 52 | 1975 | No. 42½ | DER KLEINE HARLEKIN (THE LITTLE HARLEQUIN) for clarinet |
[ca. 9'] | |
128 | 53 | 1975 to 77 |
No. 43 | SIRIUS Electronic music and trumpet, soprano, bass clarinet, bass (8-track tape rec., 4 transmitters, 5 micr., 8 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) It is possible to perform only the 8-track electronic music: |
[96'] | |
129 | 1. ex 43 | Spring Version | [ca. 96'] | |||
130 | 2. ex 43 | Summer Version | [ca. 96'] | |||
131 | 3. ex 43 | Autumn Version | [ca. 96'] | |||
132 | 4. ex 43 | Winter Version | [ca. 96'] | |||
(8-track tape rec., 8 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) | ||||||
133 | 54 | 1977/1980 | No. 43½ | ARIES for trumpet and electronic music (8-track tape rec. [poss. 2-track tape rec.] , 1 transmitter, 8 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2 loudsp.] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[15'] | |
134 | 55 | 1977 | No. 43 2/3 | LIBRA for bass clarinet and electronic music (8-track tape rec. [poss. 2-track tape rec.] , 1 transmitter, 2 micr., 8 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2 loudsp.] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[33'] | |
135 | 56 | 1977 | No. 43¾ | CAPRICORN for bass and electronic music (8-track tape rec. [poss. 2-track tape rec.] , 1 transmitter, 8 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2 loudsp.] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[28'30"] | |
136 | 57 | 1976 | No. 44 | AMOUR 5 pieces for clarinet | [ca. 26'] | |
137 | 58 | 1976/1981 | No. 44½ | AMOUR for flute |
[ca. 29'] | |
138 | 59 | 1976/1998 | No. 44 2/3 | VIER STERNE (FOUR STARS) from AMOUR for violoncello |
[ca. 12'] | |
139 | 60 | 1976/2003 | No. 44¾ | AMOUR for saxophone |
[ca. 29'] | |
140 | 19 | 1977 | No. 45 | JUBILÄUM (JUBILEE) for orchestra (cond.) (10 micr., 6 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[15'] | |
1977 | IN FREUNDSCHAFT (IN FRIENDSHIP) individual editions for |
[ca. 15'] | ||||
141 | 61 | No. 46 | clarinet | |||
142 | 62 | No. 46½ | flute | |||
143 | 63 | No. 46 2/3 | oboe | |||
144 | 64 | No. 46¾ | bassoon | |||
145 | 65 | No. 46 4/5 | basset-horn or bass clarinet | |||
146 | 66 | No. 46 5/6 | violin | |||
147 | 67 | No. 46 6/7 | viola | |||
148 | 68 | No. 46 7/8 | violoncello | |||
149 | 69 | No. 46 7/8 ossia | double-bass | |||
150 | 70 | No. 46 9/10 | saxophone | |||
151 | 71 | No. 46 10/11 | trumpet in ![]() |
152 | 72 | No. 46 11/12 | horn | |||
153 | 73 | No. 46 12/13 | trombone | |||
154 | 74 | No. 46 13/14 | tuba | |||
155 | 75 | No. 46 14/15 | recorder | |||
156 | 1978 | KADENZEN (CADENZAS) for the Mozart Clarinet Concerto |
157 158 |
1984/1985 | KADENZEN (CADENZAS) for the Mozart Flute Concertos in G and D | ||||
159 | 1984 | KADENZ (CADENZA) for the Leopold Mozart Trumpet Concerto |
160 | 1983/1985 | KADENZEN (CADENZAS) for the Haydn Trumpet Concerto |
1977 - 2003 | LICHT (LIGHT) The Seven Days of the Week for solo voices, solo instruments, solo dancers / choirs, orchestras, ballet and mimes / electronic and concrete music |
[ca. 29 hours] | ||||
161 | 20A | 76 | 1977/1991 | No. 47 | JAHRESLAUF (COURSE OF THE YEARS) (Act 1 of TUESDAY from LIGHT) for tenor, bass / 4 dancer-mimes / actor-singer, 3 mimes, little girl, beautiful woman / modern orchestra (14 instr.), tape / sound projectionist or for tenor, bass / modern orchestra (14 instr.), tape / sound projectionist (modern orchestra: 3 synth. players / 3 piccolo flutes / 3 soprano saxophones / electr. cembalo or synthesizer / guitar / 3 percussionists) (7 transmitters, 7 micr., 2-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 61'] |
162 | 20B | 77 | 1977 | No. 47½ | DER JAHRESLAUF (THE COURSE OF THE YEARS) for modern orchestra, tape, sound projectionist (14 instruments and same equipment as No. 47, 3 transmitters) |
[ca. 46'] |
163 | 78 | 1977 | 1. ex 47 | PICCOLO (from COURSE OF THE YEARS) solo for piccolo flute |
[ca. 3'] | |
164 | 79 | 1977 | 1. ex 47 ossia |
PICCOLO (from COURSE OF THE YEARS) for soprano saxophone and bongo |
[ca. 3'] | |
165 | 80 | 2. ex 47 | SAXOPHONE (from COURSE OF THE YEARS) for soprano saxophone and bongo or as solo for soprano saxophone |
[ca. 6'] | ||
166 | 1978 bis 80 |
[ca. 240'] | ||
Individual editions of THURSDAY from LIGHT: | ||||||
167 | 21 | 81 | 1978 | No. 48 | MICHAELs REISE UM DIE ERDE (MICHAEL'S JOURNEY ROUND THE EARTH) with trumpet and orchestra (cond.) (Act 2 of THURSDAY from LIGHT) (4 transmitters, 37 micr., 6 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 50'] |
168 | 82 | 1. ex 48 | EINGANG und FORMEL (ENTRANCE and FORMULA) (from MICHAEL'S JOURNEY) for trumpet (transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 2'30"] | ||
169 | 83 | 2. ex 48 | HALT (from MICHAEL'S JOURNEY) for trumpet and double-bass (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 15'] | ||
170 | 84 | 3. ex 48 | KREUZIGUNG (CRUCIFIXION) (from MICHAEL'S JOURNEY) for trumpet and basset-horn I / clarinet, basset-horn II, 2 horns, 2 trombones, tuba, elec. organ or synthesizer (4 transmitters, 6 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 18'] | ||
171 | 85 | 4. ex 48 | MISSION und HIMMELFAHRT (MISSION and ASCENSION) (from MICHAEL'S JOURNEY) for trumpet and basset-horn (2 transmitters, 1 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console/ sound proj.) |
[ca. 18'] | ||
172 | 22A | 86 | 1978 | No. 48½ | DONNERSTAGS-GRUSS (MICHAELS-GRUSS) THURSDAY GREETING (MICHAEL'S GREETING) for 8 brass instruments, piano, 3 percussionists (cond.) |
[ca. 11'] |
173 | 22B | 87 | 1. ex 48½ | MICHAELS-RUF (MICHAEL'S CALL) for variable ensemble (8 parts) (cond.) |
[ca. 2'] | |
174 | 88 | 2. ex 48½ | MICHAELS-RUF (MICHAEL'S CALL) Version for 4 trumpets |
[ca. 2'] | ||
175 | 89 | 1978/1984 | No. 48 2/3 | Solisten-Version MICHAELs REISE (Soloists' Version of MICHAEL'S JOURNEY) for a trumpeter, 9 co-players (bhn. I, bhn. II with bass clarinet, clar., alto flute, trb. with euph., 2 synth. players, 2 percussionists) (6 transmitters, 10 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 48'] | |
176 | 90 | 1978 bis 79 |
No. 49 | MICHAELs JUGEND (MICHAEL'S YOUTH) (Act 1 of THURSDAY from LIGHT) for tenor, soprano, bass / trumpet, basset-horn, trombone, piano / elec. organ or synthesizer / 3 dancer-mimes / tapes with choir and instruments (7 transmitters, 2 micr., 8-track and 2-track tape rec., 10 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 64'] | |
177 | 1979 | ex 49 | UNSICHTBARE CHÖRE (INVISIBLE CHOIRS) of THURSDAY from LIGHT for 16-channel recording of a cappella choir and 8- or 2-track playback (8-track tape rec. [poss. 2-track tape rec.], 8 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2 loudsp.], mixing console / sound proj.) |
[50'] | ||
178 | 91 | 1979 | No. 49½ | KINDHEIT (CHILDHOOD) (scene of MICHAEL'S YOUTH) for tenor, soprano, bass / trumpet, basset-horn, trombone / dancer / tapes (6 transmitters, 8-track and 2-track tape rec., 10 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 29'] | |
179 | 92 | 1980 | 1. ex 49½ | TANZE LUZEFA! (DANCE LUCEFA!) (from MICHAEL'S YOUTH) for basset-horn or bass clarinet (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[6'] | |
180 | 93 | 2. ex 49½ | BIJOU (from MICHAEL'S YOUTH) for alto flute, bass clarinet and tape (2 transmitters, 2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[15'] | ||
181 | 94 | 1978/1979 | No. 49 2/3 | MONDEVA (MOON-EVE) (scene of MICHAEL’S YOUTH) for tenor and basset-horn ad lib.: soprano, bass, trombone, mime / elec. organ or synthesizer / 2 tapes (2 or 5 transmitters, 8-track tape rec., 2-track tape rec., 8 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[13'] | |
182 | 95 | 1979 | No. 49¾ | EXAMEN (EXAMINATION) (scene of MICHAEL'S YOUTH) for tenor, trumpet, dancer / piano, basset-horn ad lib.: "jury" (soprano, bass, 2 dancer-mimes) / 2 tapes (4 or 6 transmitters, 2 micr., 8-track tape rec., 2-track tape rec., 8 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[22'] | |
183 | 96 | 1979/1983 | ex 49¾ | KLAVIERSTÜCK XII (PIANO PIECE XII) EXAMINATION of THURSDAY from LIGHT as piano solo (1 transmitter, 2 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[22'] | |
184 | 23A | 1980 | No. 50 | MICHAELs HEIMKEHR (MICHAEL'S HOME-COMING) (Act 3 of THURSDAY from LIGHT) for tenor, soprano, bass / trumpet, basset-horn, trombone / 2 soprano saxophones / elec. organ or synthesizer / 3 dancer-mimes / old woman / choir and orchestra (cond.) / tapes (9 transmitters, 15 micr., 8-track tape rec., 2-track tape rec., 10 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[78'] | |
185 | 23B | 1980 | No. 50½ | FESTIVAL (scene of MICHAEL'S HOME-COMING) for tenor, soprano, bass / trumpet, basset-horn, trombone / 2 soprano saxophones / elec. organ (or synth.) / 3 dancer-mimes / old woman / choir and orchestra (cond.) / tapes (same equipment as No. 50) |
[50'] | |
186 | 97 | 1980 | 1. ex 50½ | DRACHENKAMPF (DRAGON FIGHT) (from MICHAEL'S HOME-COMING) for trumpet, trombone, elec. organ or synthesizer / 2 dancers (ad lib.) / 1 percussionist (ad lib.) (2 transmitters, 3 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[13'] | |
187 | 98 | 1980 | 2. ex 50½ | KNABENDUETT (BOYS' DUET) (from MICHAEL'S HOME-COMING) for 2 soprano saxophones or other instruments |
[4'] | |
188 | 99 | 1980 | 3. ex 50½ | ARGUMENT (from MICHAEL'S HOME-COMING) for tenor, bass, elec. organ or synthesizer / ad lib.: trumpet, trombone, 1 percussionist (2 or 4 transmitters, 3 micr., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[11'] | |
189 | 100 | 1980 | No. 50 2/3 | VISION (scene of MICHAEL'S HOME-COMING) for tenor, trumpeter, dancer / Hammond organ or synthesizer / tape / ad lib.: shadow plays (2 transmitters, 2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[28'] | |
190 | 101 | 1980 | No. 50¾ | DONNERSTAGS-ABSCHIED (MICHAELS-ABSCHIED) THURSDAY FAREWELL (MICHAEL'S FAREWELL) variable for 5 trumpets (or 1 trumpet in 5-track recording) (poss. 1 tp. live with transmitter, 4-track tape with 4 tp., 2 x 2 or 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[11'–30'] variable |
191 | 1981 to 83 |
No. 51–54 | SAMSTAG aus LICHT (SATURDAY from LIGHT) Opera in a greeting and four scenes for 13 musical performers (1 solo voice, 10 solo instrumentalists, 2 solo dancers), symphonic band, ballet or mimes / men's chorus with organ SAMSTAGS-GRUSS (SATURDAY GREETING) 1st scene LUZIFERs TRAUM ( LUCIFER'S DREAM) 2nd scene KATHINKAs GESANG als LUZIFERs REQUIEM (KATHINKA'S CHANT as LUCIFER'S REQUIEM) 3rd scene LUZIFERs TANZ (LUCIFER'S DANCE) 4th scene LUZIFERs ABSCHIED (LUCIFER'S FAREWELL) |
[ca. 185'] | ||
Einzelausgaben vom SAMSTAG aus LICHT: | ||||||
192 | 102 | 1981 | No. 51 | LUZIFERs TRAUM oder KLAVIERSTÜCK XIII (LUCIFER'S DREAM or PIANO PIECE XIII) (1st scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT) for bass and piano (2 transmitters, 3 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[36'] | |
193 | 103 | 1981 | No. 51½ | KLAVIERSTÜCK XIII (PIANO PIECE XIII) LUCIFER'S DREAM of SATURDAY from LIGHT as piano solo (1 transmitter, 3 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[36'] | |
194 | 104 | 1981 | No. 51 2/3 | TRAUM-FORMEL (DREAM-FORMULA) for basset-horn (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'] | |
195 | 105 | 1982 to 83 |
No. 52 | KATHINKAs GESANG als LUZIFERs REQUIEM (KATHINKA'S CHANT as LUCIFER'S REQUIEM) (2nd scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT) for flute and 6 percussionists (7 transmitters, 10 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or as flute solo (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[33'] | |
196 | 106 | 1983 | No. 52½ | KATHINKAs GESANG als LUZIFERs REQUIEM (KATHINKA'S CHANT as LUCIFER'S REQUIEM) Version for flute and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track tape rec., 9 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[33'] | |
197 | 107 | No. 52 2/3 | KATHINKAs GESANG als LUZIFERs REQUIEM (KATHINKA'S CHANT as LUCIFER'S REQUIEM) not yet premièred Version for flute and multiple piano (1 transmitter, 2 micr., 8-track tape rec., 6 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[33'] noch nicht uraufgeführt |
198 | 24 | 1983 | No. 53 | LUZIFERS TANZ (LUCIFER'S DANCE) (3rd scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT) for bass (or trombone or euphonium), piccolo trumpet, piccolo flute / symphonic band or symphony orchestra (and stilt-dancers, dancer, ballet or mimes for staged performances) (cond.) (3 transmitters, 22 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 50'] | |
199 | 108 | 1. ex 53 | LINKER AUGENBRAUENTANZ (LEFT-EYEBROW-DANCE) for flutes and basset-horn(s) / percussionist / synthesizer player |
not yet premièred |
200 | 109 | 1983/2003 | 2. ex 53 | RECHTER AUGENBRAUENTANZ (RIGHT-EYEBROW-DANCE) for clarinets, bass clarinet(s) / percussionist / synthesizer player (ca. 8 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 35'] | |
201 | 110 | 1983/1990 | 3. ex 53 | LINKER AUGENTANZ (LEFT-EYE-DANCE) for saxophones / percussionist / synthesizer player |
[ca. 20'] | |
202 | 111 | 4. ex 53 | RECHTER AUGENTANZ (RIGHT-EYE-DANCE) for oboes, English horns, bassoons / percussionist / synthesizer player |
not yet premièred |
203 | 112 | 5. ex 53 | LINKER BACKENTANZ (LEFT-CHEEK-DANCE) for trumpets and trombones / percussionist / synthesizer player |
not yet premièred |
204 | 113 | 6. ex 53 | RECHTER BACKENTANZ (RIGHT-CHEEK-DANCE) for trumpets and trombones / percussionist / synthesizer player |
not yet premièred |
205 | 114 | 7. ex 53 | NASENFLÜGELTANZ (WINGS-OF-THE-NOSE-DANCE) for percussionist and synthesizer player or as percussion solo (5 or more micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 7'30"] | ||
206 | 115 | 1983 | 8. ex 53 | OBERLIPPENTANZ (PROTEST) / UPPER-LIP-DANCE (PROTEST) for piccolo trumpet / trombone or euphonium / 4 or 8 horns / 2 percussionists (2 transmitters, 10 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or as solo for piccolo trumpet (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[14'30"] | |
207 | 116 | 1983 | 9. ex 53 | ZUNGENSPITZENTANZ (TIP-OF-THE-TONGUE-DANCE) for piccolo flute / dancer (ad lib.) / 2 euphoniums or synthesizer / percussionist (ad lib.) (1 transmitter, 5 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or as piccolo solo (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 9'] | |
208 | 117 | 1983/1989 | 10. ex 53 | KINNTANZ (CHIN-DANCE) Version for euphonium, percussionist, synthesizer player (1 transmitter, 6 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or |
[ca. 10'] | |
Version for euphonium, percussionist / alto trombones, tenor horns (baritones), tubas (1 transmitter, 6 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
not yet premièred |
209 | 25 | 1984 | No. 53½ | SAMSTAGS-GRUSS (LUZIFER-GRUSS) SATURDAY GREETING (LUCIFER’S GREETING) for 26 brass instruments and 2 percussionists |
[ca. 8'] | |
210 | 26 | 1982 | No. 54 | LUZIFERs ABSCHIED (LUCIFER'S FAREWELL) (4th scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT) for men's chorus, organ, 7 trombones (live or tape) (cond.) (26 transmitters plus 4 micr. or 30 micr., 5 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[58'] | |
211 | 1984 to 88 |
[ca. 278'] | ||
Individual editions of MONDAY from LIGHT: | ||||||
212 | 118 | 1986/1988 | No. 55 | MONTAGS-GRUSS (EVA-GRUSS) MONDAY GREETING (EVE’S GREETING) for multiple basset-horn and elec. keyboard instruments (performance with basset-horn live and tape, or tape only) (perhaps 1 transmitter, 8-track tape rec., 5 or 4 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[34'] | |
213 | 119 | 1986 | 1. ex 55 | Xi for a melody instrument with micro-tones (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[6' oder 9'] | |
214 | 120 | 2. ex 55 | Xi Version for basset-horn (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'] | ||
215 | 121 | 3. ex 55 | Xi Version for alto flute or flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[6'] | ||
216 | 27A | 1987 | No. 56 | EVAs ERSTGEBURT (EVE'S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING) (Act 1 of MONDAY from LIGHT) for 3 sopranos, 3 tenors, bass / actor / choir (8-track tape or live), staged: 21 actresses / children’s choir / modern orchestra (3 synthesizer players, 1 perc., tape) (cond.) (16 transmitters, 8 micr., 8-track tape rec., 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[93'] | |
217 | ex 56 | GEBURTS-FEST (FESTIVAL OF BIRTH) Choir Music with Sound Scenes of MONDAY from LICHT Version of EVE’S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING for choir a cappella and tape (cond.) (4-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[68'30] | |||
The following 3 parts of FESTIVAL OF BIRTH may also be performed individually: | ||||||
218 | QUELLE DES LEBENS (SPRING OF LIFE) Choir Music with Sound Scenes Version of EXPECTING – HEINZELMÄNNCHEN – BIRTH-ARIAS for choir a cappella and tape (cond.) (4-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[38'30] | ||||
219 | KINDERSPIEL (CHILD'S PLAY) Choir Music with Sound Scenes Version of BOYS' HULLABALOO for choir a cappella and tape (cond.) (4-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[19'] | ||||
220 | TRAUER MIT HUMOR (LAMENT WITH HUMOR) Choir Music with Sound Scenes Version of THE GREAT WEEPING for choir a cappella and tape (cond.) (4-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 11'30] | ||||
221 | 27B | No. 56½ (+ 2/3) | IN HOFFNUNG (EXPECTING) (Scene of EVE'S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING) with HEINZELMÄNNCHEN for 3 sopranos / choir (8-track tape or live), staged: 21 actresses / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 percussionist, 8-track tape) (cond.) (4 transmitters, 12 micr. or 4 micr. and 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console, sound proj.) |
[27'] | ||
222 | 122 | 1989 | ex 56½ | FLAUTINA Solo for flute with piccolo and alto flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[6'] | |
223 | 27C | 123 | 1987 | No. 56¾ | GEBURTS-ARIEN (BIRTH-ARIAS) (Scene of EVE'S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING) for 3 sopranos, 3 tenors / choir (tape or live) / 1 synthesizer player, 8-track tape (possibly cond.) (6 transmitters, 8 micr. ad lib., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[17'] |
The 2 BIRTH-ARIAS may also be performed individually: | ||||||
224 | 124 | 1. ex 56¾ | Erste GEBURTS-ARIE (First BIRTH-ARIA) for 3 sopranos / choir (tape or live) / 1 synth. player, 8-track tape (possibly cond.) (3 transmitters, 8 micr. ad lib., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'] | ||
225 | 125 | 2. ex 56¾ | Zweite GEBURTS-ARIE (Second BIRTH-ARIA) for 3 tenors, 3 sopranos / choir (tape or live) / 1 synth. player, 8-track tape (possibly cond.) (6 transmitters, 8 micr. ad lib., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or for 3 tenors, tape, synthesizer (3 transmitters, 8-track tape rec., 8 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'] | ||
226 | 27D | No. 56 4/5 (+5/6) | KNABENGESCHREI (BOYS' HULLABALOO) (Scene of EVE'S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING) with LUCIFER'S FURY for 3 sopranos, bass / actor / choir (tape or live), children's choir / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., 8-track tape) (cond.) (16 transmitters, 8 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[22'] | ||
227 | 126 | ex 56 5/6 | LUZIFERs ZORN (LUCIFER'S FURY) for bass, actor / synthesizer player / tape (2 transmitters, 2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[26'] | ||
228 | 27E | 127 | No. 56 6/7 | DAS GROSSE GEWEINE (THE GREAT WEEPING) (Scene of EVE'S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING) for 3 sopranos, bass / choir (tape or live) (cond.) / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., tape) (5 transmitters, 8 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[10'30"] | |
229 | 28A | 1984 to 87 |
No. 57 | EVAs ZWEITGEBURT (EVE'S SECOND BIRTH-GIVING) (Act 2 of MONDAY from LIGHT) for 7 solo boy singers / basset-horn, 3 basset-teases (2 basset-horns and 1 vocal basset-horn) / piano / choir (tape or live), staged: 21 actresses / girls' choir / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., tape) (cond.) (13 transmitters, 16 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[66'] | |
230 | ex 57 | A cappella version of MÄDCHENPROZESSION (GIRLS' PROCESSION) for girls' choir a cappella and piano (1 transmitter, 8 or possibly 12 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[19'] | |||
231 | 28B | No. 57½(+2/3) | MÄDCHENPROZESSION (GIRLS' PROCESSION) and CONCEPTION with PIANO PIECE – RE-BIRTH (3 scenes of EVE'S SECOND BIRTH-GIVING) for girls’ choir, piano / choir (tape or live) (cond.) / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., tape) (1 or 10 transmitters, 8 micr., [+ 16 or 8 if choir sings live], 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[22'30"] | ||
232 | 128 | 1984 | ex 57 2/3 | KLAVIERSTÜCK XIV (PIANO PIECE XIV) BIRTHDAY-FORMULA of MONDAY from LIGHT as piano solo (1 transmitter, 2 micr., 2x2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[6'] | |
233 | 28C | 129 | 1986 | No. 57¾ | EVAs LIED (EVE'S SONG) (scene of EVE'S SECOND BIRTH-GIVING) for 7 solo boy singers / basset-horn, 3 basset-teases (2 basset-horns and 1 vocal basset-horn) / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., tape) / ad lib.: women's choir (12 transmitters, 6 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[43'30"] |
234 | 130 | 1986 | 1. ex 57¾ | DIE 7 LIEDER DER TAGE (THE 7 SONGS OF THE DAYS) for voice (also child's voice) or voice and chordal instrument or for melody instrument or melody instrument and chordal instrument edition in the original register and higher register (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'] | |
235 | 131 | 1986/1988 | 2. ex 57¾ | WOCHENKREIS (CIRCLE OF THE WEEK) Duet for basset-horn and synthesizer player (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[25'30"] | |
236 | 29A | 1984 to 86 |
No. 58 | EVAs ZAUBER (EVE'S MAGIC) (Act 3 of MONDAY from LIGHT) for basset-horn, alto flute with piccolo / choir (cond.), children's choir / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., tape) (12 transmitters, 8 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[57'] | |
237 | 29B | 1984/1985 | No. 58½ | BOTSCHAFT (MESSAGE) (scene from EVE'S MAGIC) for basset-horn, alto flute / choir (cond.) / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., tape) (12 transmitters, 14 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or |
[27'] | |
29C | for basset-horn, alto flute / choir (cond.) / tape (2 transmitters, 8 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or |
132 | for basset-horn, alto flute (without choir) / modern orchestra (3 or 1 synth. player(s), 1 perc., tape) (3 transmitters, 6 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
238 | 133 | No. 58½ ossia |
AVE (from EVE'S MAGIC) for basset-horn and alto flute (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[23'30"] | ||
239 | 134 | 1984 | 1. ex 58½ | EVAs SPIEGEL (EVE'S MIRROR) (from EVE'S MAGIC) for basset-horn (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'] | |
240 | 135 | 1984 | 2. ex 58½ | SUSANI (from EVE’S MAGIC) for basset-horn (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'] | |
241 | 136 | 1985 | 3. ex 58½ | SUSANI'S ECHO (from EVE'S MAGIC) for alto flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'] | |
242 | 29D | 1986 | No. 58 2/3 | DER KINDERFÄNGER (THE PIED PIPER) (scene from EVE'S MAGIC) with ABDUCTION for alto flute with piccolo / children's choir / modern orchestra (3 synth. players, 1 perc., tape) / ad lib.: basset-horn (2 transmitters, 6 micr., 8-track tape rec., 8 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[30'30"] | |
137 | No. 58 2/3 ossia |
DER KINDERFÄNGER (THE PIED PIPER) for alto flute with piccolo / 2 synthesizer players, percussionist, tape (4 transmitters, 8-track tape rec., 4 monitor loudsp., 8 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or as |
[ca. 32'] | |||
138 | solo for alto flute with piccolo and tape (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 [poss. 2 x 2] loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
243 | 139 | 1. ex 58 2/3 | ENTFÜHRUNG (ABDUCTION) (from EVE'S MAGIC) as solo for piccolo flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[12'] | ||
244 | 140 | 1. ex 58 2/3 ossia |
ENTFÜHRUNG (ABDUCTION) (aus EVAs ZAUBER) for soprano saxophone and electronic and concrete music or as solo for soprano saxophone (1 transmitter, 2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[14'] | ||
245 | 1986/1988 | No. 59 | MONTAGS-ABSCHIED (EVA-ABSCHIED) MONDAY FAREWELL (EVE'S FAREWELL) for piccolo flute, multiple soprano voice and elec. keyboard instruments (performance with 8-track tape only) (8-track tape rec., 7 or 4 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[28'] | ||
246 | 141 | 1989 | 1. ex 59 | QUITT (EVEN) for 3 players (for example for alto flute, clarinet, piccolo-trumpet) (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 7'] | |
247 | 142 | 1989 | 2. ex 59 | YPSILON for a melody instrument (with micro-tones) (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 9'] | |
248 | 143 | 3. ex 59 | YPSILON Version for basset-horn (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'] | ||
249 | 144 | 4. ex 59 | YPSILON Version for flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[9'] | ||
250 | 1977/1987 to 91 (see 1977, Work No. 47 and No. 47½) |
No. 47/ No. 60–61 |
DIENSTAG aus LICHT (TUESDAY from LIGHT) Opera in a greeting and two acts with farewell for 17 musical performers (3 solo voices, 10 solo instrumentalists, 4 dancer-mimes), actors, mimes, choir, modern orchestra, tapes DIENSTAGS-GRUSS (TUESDAY GREETING) (WELCOME with PEACE GREETING) Act 1 JAHRESLAUF (COURSE OF THE YEARS) Act 2 INVASION – EXPLOSION mit ABSCHIED (INVASION – EXPLOSION with FAREWELL) |
[ca. 156'] | ||
Individual editions of TUESDAY from LIGHT: (Individual editions of DER JAHRESLAUF: see Work No. 47½ [1977]) |
251 | 30A | 1987/1988 | No. 60 | DIENSTAGS-GRUSS (TUESDAY GREETING) (WELCOME with PEACE GREETING) for soprano / 9 trumpets, 9 trombones, 2 synthesizer players / choir, conductor and co-conductor (1 transmitter, 8 micr., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[21'] | |
252 | 30B | 145 | 1988 | 1. ex 60 | WILLKOMMEN (WELCOME) for trumpets, trombones, 2 synthesizer players (cond.) |
[1'25"] |
253 | 146 | 1989 | 2. ex 60 | SUKAT for basset-horn and alto flute (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[8'] | |
(see 161) | 1977/1991 (see 1977, Work No. 47 and No. 47½) |
No. 47 | JAHRESLAUF vom DIENSTAG (COURSE OF THE YEARS of TUESDAY) (Act 1 of TUESDAY from LIGHT) for tenor, bass / 4 dancer-mimes / an actor-singer, 3 mimes, little girl, beautiful woman / modern orchestra (14 instruments: 3 synth. players / 3 piccolo flutes / 3 soprano saxophones / electr. cembalo or synthesizer / guitar / 3 percussionists), tape / sound projectionist (7 transmitters, 7 micr., 2-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console) |
[ca. 61'] | ||
or as quasi concert performance for tenor, bass / modern orchestra (14 inst.), tape / sound projectionist (5 transmitters, 7 micr., 2-track tape rec., 8 or 12 loudsp., mixing console) |
[50'] | |||||
254 | 31 | 147 | 1990/1991 | No. 61 | INVASION – EXPLOSION mit ABSCHIED (INVASION – EXPLOSION with FAREWELL) (Act 2 of TUESDAY from LIGHT) for solo soprano, tenor, bass / 3 trumpets (1st also solo flugelhorn), 3 trombones, 2 synthesizer players with 2 assistants, 2 percussionists with 2 assistants / ad lib. 6 tutti trumpets and 6 tutti trombones / choir (cond.) / 8-track tape (octophonic electronic music) / sound projectionist (5 transmitters, 8 micr. [or ca. 40] , 8-track tape rec., 2-track tape rec., 16 [poss. 20] loudsp., mixing console) |
[74'] |
255 | 1990/1991 | 1. ex 61 | OKTOPHONIE (OCTOPHONY) Electronic Music of TUESDAY from LIGHT (8-track tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[69'] | ||
256 | 148 | 1992 | 2. ex 61 | SIGNALE zur INVASION (SIGNALS to INVASION) for trombone and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 19' or 30' or 52'] |
or as trombone solo | [ca. 25'] | |||||
257 | 149 | 1990/1991 | No. 61½ | PIETÀ for flugelhorn, soprano and electronic music (2 transmitters, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2], mixing console / sound proj.) or |
[27'45"] | |
for flugelhorn and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[27'45"] | |||||
258 | 1991 | No. 61 2/3 | DIENSTAGS-ABSCHIED (TUESDAY FAREWELL) for choir (cond.), a player of electronic keyboard instruments and electronic music (8 micr. [or ca. 40] , 8-track tape, 8 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[23'] | ||
259 | 150 | ex 61 2/3 | SYNTHI-FOU (KLAVIERSTÜCK XV) (PIANO PIECE XV) for a player of electronic keyboard instruments and electronic music (8-track tape, 8 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[23'] | ||
260 | 1991 to 94 |
No. 62–64 | FREITAG aus LICHT (FRIDAY from LIGHT) Opera in a greeting, two acts and farewell for 5 musical performers (soprano, baritone, bass, flute, basset-horn), children’s orchestra, children’s choir, 12 choir singers / a synthesizer player / 12 couples of dancer-mimes, electronic music with sound scenes / sound projectionist FREITAGS-GRUSS (FRIDAY GREETING) FREITAG-VERSUCHUNG (FRIDAY TEMPTATION) FREITAGS-ABSCHIED (FRIDAY FAREWELL) |
[ca. 290'] | ||
Individual editions of FRIDAY from LIGHT: | ||||||
261 | 1991/1992/1994 | No. 62 | FREITAGS-GRUSS (FRIDAY GREETING) and |
[ca. 68'30] | ||
[ca. 78'] [ca. 146'] |
(8-track tape rec., 8 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) | ||||||
262 | 1992/1999 | No. 63 | PAARE vom FREITAG (COUPLES of FRIDAY) with soprano, bass, electronic instruments (tape) (2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 65'] | ||
263 | 1992/1994 | No. 62+63 | ELEKTRONISCHE MUSIK mit TONSZENEN vom FREITAG aus LICHT (ELECTRONIC MUSIC with SOUND SCENES of FRIDAY from LIGHT) with 12 soprano and bass voices, electronic instruments (24-track tape rec., 12 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 145'] | ||
264 | 151 | 1995 | No. 63½ | KLAVIERSTÜCK XVI (PIANO PIECE XVI) for tape, stringed piano, electronic keyboards ad lib., sound projectionist 3 micr. [or 2 mic., 1 transmitter], 12-track or 8-track or 2-track tape rec. / 12 [or 8 or 4 or 2 x 2] loudsp., mixing console) |
[7'] | |
265 | 1992/1999 | No. 63 2/3 | TWO COUPLES Electronic and Concrete Music (2-track tape rec. / 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[21'] | ||
266 | 32A | 1991 to 94 |
No. 64 | FREITAG-VERSUCHUNG (FRIDAY TEMPTATION) for 5 musical performers (soprano, baritone, bass, flute, basset-horn) / children’s orchestra, children’s choir, 12 choir singers / a synthesizer player / 12 couples of dancer-mimes (ad lib. in concert performances) / electronic music with sound scenes (24-track tape) / sound projectionist (16 transmitters, ca. 10 micr., 24-track tape rec., 12 loudsp., mixing console) |
[ca. 145'] | |
267 | 152 | 1994 | 1. ex 64 | ANTRAG (PROPOSAL) for soprano, bass / flute, basset-horn / electronic music / sound projectionist (4 transmitters, 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[12' 30"] | |
268 | 32B | 153 | 1994 | 2. ex 64 | KINDER-ORCHESTER (CHILDREN'S ORCHESTRA) (for example 16 instruments) and soprano (also as cond.), flute, basset-horn / a synthesizer player / electronic music / sound projectionist (3 transmitters, ca. 4 micr., 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8- or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[6' ] |
269 | 154 | 1994 | 3. ex 64 | KINDER-CHOR (CHILDREN'S CHOIR) (for example 24 voices) and bass (also as cond.), a synthesizer player / electronic music / sound projectionist (1 transmitter, ca. 6 micr., 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[9' 30"] | |
270 | 32C | 155 | 1994 | 4. ex 64 | KINDER-TUTTI (CHILDREN'S TUTTI) for children's orchestra, children's choir / soprano (also as cond.), bass / flute, basset-horn / a synthesizer player / electronic music / sound projectionist (8 transmitters, 6 micr., 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[7' ] |
271 | 156 | 1994 | 5. ex 64 | ZUSTIMMUNG (CONSENT) for soprano, bass / flute, basset-horn / electronic music / sound projectionist (4 transmitters, 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[9' ] | |
272 | 157 | 1994 | 6. ex 64 | FALL for soprano, baritone / flute, basset-horn / electronic music / sound projectionist (4 transmitters, 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[18' ] | 273 | 158 | 1994 | 7. ex 64 | KINDER-KRIEG (CHILDREN'S WAR) for children's choir (possibly cond.) / a synthesizer player / electronic music / sound projectionist (ca. 8 micr., 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[12' ] |
274 | 159 | 1994/1999 | 7½ ex 64 | KOMET (COMET) as PIANO PIECE XVII for electronic keyboard, electronic and concrete music, sound projectionist (poss. 1 transmitter, 4 [or 4 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[ca. 15'] | 275 | 160 | 1994/1999 | 7 2/3 ex 64 | KOMET (COMET) Version for a percussionist, electronic and concrete music, sound projectionist (1 or more micr., 4 [or 4 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[ca. 15'] |
276 | 161 | 1994 | 8. ex 64 | REUE (REPENTANCE) for soprano, flute, basset-horn / electronic music / sound projectionist (3 transmitters, 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[10' ] | |
277 | 162 | 1991 | 9. ex 64 | ELUFA for basset-horn, flute / electronic music ad lib. (2 transmitters, 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., perhaps 8-track or 2-track tape rec. ad lib., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7' 30"] | |
278 | 163 | 1991 | 9½ ex 64 | FREIA for flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'] | |
279 | 164 | 1991 | 9 2/3 ex 64 | FREIA for basset-horn (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'] | |
280 | 165 | 2003 | 9¾ ex 64 | VIBRA-ELUFA for vibraphone (2 micr., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'] | |
281 | 166 | 1994 | 10. ex 64 | CHOR-SPIRALE (CHOIR SPIRAL) for 12 choir singers (3 S, 3 A, 6 B) / electronic music / sound projectionist (12 transmitters or ca. 6 micr., 8 [or 2 x 2] loudsp., 8-track or 2-track tape rec., mixing console) |
[8' ] | |
282 | 1995 to 97 |
No. 65–71 | MITTWOCH aus LICHT (WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) Opera in a greeting, four scenes and a farewell for 9 musical performers (flute, basset-horn, trumpet, trombone, string quartet, bass with short-wave receiver), choir with singing conductor, orchestra (13 acting instrumentalists when staged) / a synthesizer player / 2 dancer-mimes / electronic music (tapes) / sound projectionist MITTWOCHS-GRUSS (WEDNESDAY GREETING) 1st scene WELT-PARLAMENT (WORLD PARLIAMENT) 2nd scene ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN (ORCHESTRA FINALISTS) 3rd scene HELIKOPTER-STREICHQUARTETT (HELICOPTER STRING QUARTET) 4th scene MICHAELION MITTWOCHS-ABSCHIED (WEDNESDAY FAREWELL) |
[ca. 267'] | ||
Individual editions of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT | ||||||
283 | 167 | 1998 | No. 65 | MITTWOCHS-GRUSS (WEDNESDAY GREETING) Electronic Music (8-track tape rec., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[54'] | |
284 | 1995 | No. 66 | WELT-PARLAMENT (WORLD PARLIAMENT) (1st scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) for choir a cappella (with singing conductor) (34 micr., plus 15 transmitters when staged, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 40'] | ||
285 | 168 | 1995 | No. 67 | LICHT-RUF (CALL from LIGHT) for trumpet, basset-horn, trombone or other instruments (for example, as an interval signal on tape) |
[5 x 22" or more often] |
286 | 33 | 169 | 1995/1996 | No. 68 | ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN (ORCHESTRA FINALISTS) (2nd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) for orchestra (26 or 13 instrumentalists) / electronic and concrete music / sound projectionist (3 transmitters [staged: 11 transmitters], 10 micr., 16-track tape rec., 8 oder 8 x 2 loudsp., mixing console) |
[2 x 45’, staged 46’] |
287 | 170 | 1995/1996 | 1. ex 68 | OBOE from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for oboe and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.)/td> | [5'15"] | |
288 | 171 | 1995/1996 | 2. ex 68 | VIOLONCELLO from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for violoncello and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[3'23"] | |
289 | 172 | 1995/1996 | 3. ex 68 | KLARINETTE (CLARINET) from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for clarinet and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[2'59"] | |
290 | 173 | 1995/1996 | 4. ex 68 | FAGOTT (BASSOON) from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for bassoon and electronic music (2 micr., 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[3'50"] | |
291 | 174 | 1995/1996 | 5. ex 68 | VIOLINE (VIOLIN) from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for violin and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[3'20"] | |
292 | 175 | 1995/1996 | 6. ex 68 | TUBA from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for tuba and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'21"] | |
293 | 176 | 1995/1996 | 7. ex 68 | FLÖTE (FLUTE) from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for flute and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[5'13"] | |
294 | 177 | 1995/1996 | 8. ex 68 | POSAUNE (TROMBONE) from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for trombone and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'12"] | |
295 | 178 | 1995/1996 | 9. ex 68 | VIOLA from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for viola and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'33"] | |
296 | 179 | 1995/1996 | 10. ex 68 | TROMPETE (TRUMPET) from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for trumpet and electronic music (1 transmitter, 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'25"] | |
297 | 180 | 1995/1996 | 11. ex 68 | KONTRABASS (DOUBLE-BASS) from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for double-bass, a gong hitter and electronic music (3 micr., 8-track [poss. 2-track] tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. [poss. 2 x 2] , mixing console / sound proj.) |
[8'21"] | |
298 | 181 | 1992/1993 | No. 69 | HELIKOPTER-STREICHQUARTETT (HELICOPTER STRING QUARTET) (3rd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) (string quartet, 4 helicopters, 4 video cameras, 4 televison transmitters, 4 x 3 microphones, 4 x 3 audio transmitters, equipment for transmission of click-track, 4 columns of television monitors [or ? x 4], 4 groups of loudspeakers [or ? x 4], sound mixing console[s] 12 → 4 / sound projectionist [s]) |
[ca. 31'] | |
299 | 182 | 1997 | No. 70 | MICHAELION (4th scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) PRESIDENCY – LUCICAMEL – OPERATOR for choir / bass with short-wave receiver / flute, basset-horn, trumpet, trombone / a synthesizer player, tape / 2 dancers / sound projectionist (19 micr., 8 transmitters, 8-track tape-rec., 19 loudsp., 4 monitor loudsp., mixing console) (staged: small loudsp. in niches and on balconies, 7 video cameras, 7 video screens) |
[ca. 60'] | |
300 | 183 | 1997 | 1. ex 70 | THINKI for flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 4'30"] | |
301 | 184 | 1997 | 2. ex 70 | BASSETSU for basset-horn (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 5'30"] | |
302 | 185 | 1997 | 3. ex 70 | BASSETSU-TRIO for basset-horn, trumpet, trombone (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 or 4 x 2 loudsp. mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 26'] | |
303 | 186 | 1997 | 4. ex 70 | MENSCHEN, HÖRT (MANKIND, HEAR) (of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) for vocal sextet (2 S, A, T, 2 B) (6 transmitters, 6 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 16'] | |
304 | 187 | 1997 | 5. ex 70 | KAMEL-TANZ (CAMEL-DANCE) for bass, trombone, synthesizer or tape and 2 dancers (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., 2-track tape rec., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 5'] | |
305 | 188 | 1997 | No. 70½ | ROTARY Woodwind Quintet | [ca. 8'] | |
306 | 189 | 1996 | No. 71 | MITTWOCHS-ABSCHIED (WEDNESDAY FAREWELL) Electronic and Concrete Music (8-track tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp.,mixing console / sound proj.) |
[44'] | |
307 | 190 | 1992/2002 | No. 72 | EUROPA-GRUSS (EUROPE GREETING) for wind instruments (and synthesizers ad lib.) |
[ca. 12'30"] | |
308 | 191 | 1995 | No. 73 | ![]() (4 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 16'] | |
309 | 192 | 2004 | No. 73½ | MITTWOCH-FORMEL (WEDNESDAY FORMULA) with 3 percussionists (METAL – WOOD – SKIN) (2 x 2 loudsp., ca. 9 micr., mixing console / sound proj. ) |
[23'35"] | |
310 | 193 | 2004 | No. 73 2/3 | KLAVIERSTÜCK XVIII (MITTWOCH-FORMEL) / PIANO PIECE XVIII (WEDNESDAY FORMULA) for electronic piano (2 x 2 Lautspr., 2 Mikr., Mischpult / Klangr. ) |
[12'12"] | |
311 | 1997 | No. 74 | LITANEI 97 for choir and conductor |
[ca. 23'] | ||
312 | 1998 to 2003 |
No. 75–80 | SONNTAG aus LICHT (SUNDAY from LIGHT) Opera in five scenes and a farewell for 10 vocal soloists, boy’s voice, four instrumental soloists, two choirs, two orchestras, electronic music, sound projectionist 1st scene LICHTER – WASSER (SONNTAGS-GRUSS) / LIGHTS – WATERS (SUNDAY GREETING) 2nd scene ENGEL-PROZESSIONEN / ANGEL PROCESSIONS 3rd scene LICHT-BILDER / LIGHT-PICTURES 4th scene DÜFTE – ZEICHEN / SCENTS – SIGNS 5th scene HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES SONNTAGS-ABSCHIED / SUNDAY FAREWELL |
[ca. 278'] | ||
SUNDAY from LIGHT has 5 scenes, which are ideally performed on three successive days: | ||||||
1st day LICHTER – WASSER (LIGHTS – WATERS) (no intermission) ENGEL-PROZESSIONEN (ANGEL PROCESSIONS) [51' + 40' ] . |
2nd day LICHT-BILDER (LIGHT PICTURES) (intermission) DÜFTE – ZEICHEN (SCENTS – SIGNS) [ca. 40' + 57' ] . | ||||||
3rd day HOCH-ZEITEN (HIGH-TIMES) for orchestra [35'] | ||||||
HOCH-ZEITEN (HIGH-TIMES) for choir [35'] and reversed (with an intermission) |
SUNDAY FAREWELL [35'] . | ||||||
Individual editions of SUNDAY from LIGHT: | ||||||
313 | 34 | 1998/99 | No. 75 | LICHTER – WASSER (SONNTAGS-GRUSS) LIGHTS – WATERS (SUNDAY GREETING) (1st scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for soprano, tenor, and orchestra with synthesizer (cond.) (2 transmitters, 29 micr., 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 51'] | |
314 | 2000 | No. 76 | ENGEL-PROZESSIONEN (ANGEL PROCESSIONS) (2nd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for choir a cappella (cond.) |
[ca. 40'] | ||
315 | 194 | 2002/2003 | No. 77 | LICHT-BILDER (LIGHT-PICTURES) (3rd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for basset-horn, flute with ring-modulation, tenor, trumpet with ring-modulation, synthesizer, light-picture (ad. lib.) (4 transmitters, 4 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 42'] | |
316 | 195 | 2002 | No. 78 | DÜFTE – ZEICHEN (SCENTS – SIGNS) (4th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for 7 vocalists, boy’s voice, synthesizer (8 transmitters, CD player, 7 loudsp., 4 monitor loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 57'] | |
317 | 196 | 2002 | 1. ex 78 | CUCHULAINN (MONDAY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for soprano, with synthesizer (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'13"] | |
318 | 197 | 2002 | 2. ex 78 | KYPHI (TUESDAY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for tenor and bass, with synthesizer (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[5'04"] | |
319 | 198 | 2002 | 3. ex 78 | MASTIX / MASTIC (WEDNESDAY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for soprano, tenor and baritone, with synthesizer (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'10"] | |
320 | 199 | 2002 | 4. ex 78 | ROSA MYSTICA (THURSDAY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for tenor, with synthesizer (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'28"] | |
321 | 200 | 2002 | 5. ex 78 | TATE YUNANAKA (FRIDAY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for soprano and baritone, with synthesizer (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'27"] | |
322 | 201 | 2002 | 6. ex 78 | UD (SATURDAY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for bass, with synthesizer (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[4'17"] | |
323 | 202 | 2002 | 7. ex 78 | WEIHRAUCH /FRANKINCENSE (SUNDAY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for soprano and tenor, with synthesizer (2 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[8'16"] | |
324 | 203 | 2002 | 8. ex 78 | KNABEN-DUFT (BOY SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) Solo for alto, with synthesizer and vocal sextet (live or tape) (1 [or 7] transmitter (s), 8-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'01"] | |
325 | 204 | 2002 | 9. ex 78 | HIMMELS-DUFT (HEAVEN'S SCENT) (from SCENTS – SIGNS of SUNDAY from LIGHT) Duet for boy's voice and alto, with synthesizer, vocal sextet or Duet for boy’s voice and alto with tape (8 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj. or 2 transmitters, 8-track tape rec., CD player, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[7'34"] | |
326 | 35 | 2001/2002 | No. 79 | HOCH-ZEITEN (HIGH-TIMES) (5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) for choir and orchestra (2 cond.) (33 + 41 micr., 2 x 5 loudsp., 2 mixing consoles / 2 sound proj.) |
[ca. 2 x 35'] | |
327 | 205 | 2001/2003 | No. 80 | SONNTAGS-ABSCHIED (SUNDAY FAREWELL) (of SUNDAY from LIGHT) Electronic Music (5 synthesizers) (5- or 10-track tape rec., 5 or 5 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) or |
[35'] | |
SONNTAGS-ABSCHIED als KLAVIERSTÜCK XIX / SUNDAY FAREWELL as PIANO PIECE XIX for a synthesizer player and tape (5- or 10-track tape rec., 5 or 5 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[35'] not yet premièred |
328 | 206 | 2002 | No. 80½ | STRAHLEN (RAYS) for a percussionist and 10-track recording (ca. 3 micr., 16-track tape rec., 5 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 35'] | |
2004 to 2007 |
No. 81–101 | KLANG (SOUND) The 24 Hours of the Day |
329 | 207 | 2004/2005 | No. 81 | KLANG – 1st Hour HIMMELFAHRT (ASCENSION) for organ or synthesizer, soprano and tenor (2 transmitters, 7 microphones, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[37'] | |
330 | 208 | 2005 | No. 82 | KLANG – 2nd Hour FREUDE (JOY) for two harps (2 transmitters, 4 microphones, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[41'] | |
331–354 | 209 | 2005/2006 | No. 83 | KLANG – 3rd Hour NATÜRLICHE DAUERN 1–24 / (NATURAL DURATIONS 1–24) for piano (1 transmitter, 2 microphones, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 140'] | |
355 | 210 | 2005 | No. 84 | KLANG – 4th Hour HIMMELS-TÜR (HEAVEN'S DOOR) for a percussionist and a little girl (2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 28'] | |
356 | 2006 | No. 84 extra | 24 TÜRIN for door, rin and speaker [2 versions: German and English] (2-track tape rec., 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 13'] | ||
357 | 211 | 2006 | No. 85.1 | KLANG – 5th Hour HARMONIEN(HARMONIES) for bass clarinet (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 15'] | |
358 | 212 | 2006 | No. 85.2 | KLANG – 5th Hour HARMONIEN (HARMONIES) for flute (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 15'] | |
359 | 213 | 2006 | No. 85.2 extra |
KATIKATI for flute | [ca. 4'] noch nicht uraufgeführt |
360 | 214 | 2006 | No. 85.3 | KLANG – 5th Hour HARMONIEN (HARMONIES) for trumpet (1 transmitter, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 16'] | |
361 | 215 | 2006 | No. 86 | KLANG – 6th Hour SCHÖNHEIT (BEAUTY) for bass clarinet, flute and trumpet (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 28'] | |
362 | 216 | 2007 | No. 87 | KLANG – 7th Hour BALANCE for bass clarinet, English horn, flute (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 32'] | |
363 | 217 | 2007 | No. 88 | KLANG – 8th Hour GLÜCK (BLISS) for bassoon, English horn, oboe (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 30'] | |
364 | 218 | 2007 | No. 89 | KLANG – 9th Hour HOFFNUNG (HOPE) for violoncello, viola, violin (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[32'30"] | |
365 | 219 | 2007 | No. 90 | KLANG – 10th Hour GLANZ (BRILLIANCE) for bassoon, viola, clarinet, oboe, trumpet, trombone, tuba (7 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 38'] | |
366 | 220 | 2007 | No. 91 | KLANG – 11th Hour TREUE (FIDELITY) for bass clarinet, basset-horn, ![]() (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 30'] | |
367 | 221 | 2007 | No. 92 | KLANG – 12th Hour ERWACHEN (AWAKENING) for violoncello, trumpet, soprano saxophone (3 transmitters, 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[ca. 30'] | |
368 | 2006/2007 | No. 93 | KLANG – 13th Hour COSMIC PULSES Electronic Music (8-track tape rec., 8 x 2 loudsp. , mixing console / sound proj. |
[32'] | ||
369 | 222 | 2007 | No. 94 | KLANG – 14th Hour HAVONA for bass and electronic music (layers 24 - 23 - 22 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[25'06"] | |
370 | 223 | 2007 | No. 95 | KLANG – 15th Hour ORVONTON for baritone and electronic music (layers 21 - 20 - 19 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[24'06"] | |
371 | 224 | 2007 | No. 96 | KLANG – 16th Hour UVERSA for basset-horn and electronic music (layers 18 - 17 - 16 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj. |
[22'40"] | |
372 | 225 | 2007 | No. 97 | KLANG – 17th Hour NEBADON for horn and electronic music (layers 15 - 14 - 13 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[21'42"] | |
373 | 226 | 2007 | No. 98 | KLANG – 18. Stunde JERUSEM for tenor and electronic music (layers 12 - 11 - 10 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[21'] | |
374 | 227 | 2007 | No. 99 | KLANG – 19th Hour URANTIA for soprano and electronic music (layers 9 - 8 - 7 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[19'45"] | |
375 | 228 | 2007 | No. 100 | KLANG – 20th Hour EDENTIA for soprano saxophone and electronic music (layers 6 - 5 - 4 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[18'44"] | |
376 | 229 | 2007 | No. 101 | KLANG – 21th Hour PARADIES (PARADISE) for flute and electronic music (layers 3 - 2 - 1 from COSMIC PULSES) (1 transmitter, 8- or 2-track tape rec., 8 x 2 or 2 x 2 loudsp., mixing console / sound proj.) |
[18'02"] |
Stockhausen Complete Edition on compact discs
Since 1991, a complete edition of all recordings in which Karlheinz Stockhausen has personally participated is being
re leased on compact disc. Each CD in this se ries is iden ti fied by Stockhausen's sig na ture fol lowed by an en cir cled
num ber. The num bers in di cate the gen er al his tor i cal order of the works.
Stockhausen real ised the electronic music and par tic i pat ed in these record ings as con duc tor, per form er, sound pro jection
ist, and musi cal direc tor. He per son al ly mixed down the record ings, mas tered them for CDs, wrote the texts and
drew the cov ers.
The compact discs, a free catalogue and work list may be ordered by mail or e-mail order from the Stockhausen-Verlag (Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kürten, Deutschland; Fax: + 49 [0]2268-1813; www.stockhausen-verlag.com / stockhausen-
The following CDs are available: CDs |
CD 1 | CHÖRE für DORIS / CHORUSES for DORIS for choir a cappella |
CD 2 | FORMEL / FORMULA for orchestra |
CD 3 | ETUDE Musique Concrète |
CD 4 | KONTRA-PUNKTE / COUNTER-POINTS for 10 instruments |
CD 5 | GRUPPEN / GROUPS for 3 orchestras |
CD 6 | ZYKLUS / CYCLE for a percussionist |
CD 7 | MOMENTE / MOMENTS for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists |
CD 8 | MIXTUR/ MIXTURE for orchestra, sine-wave generators and ring modulators (2 versions) |
CD 9 | MIKROPHONIE I / MICROPHONY I for tam-tam, 2 microphones, 2 filters with potentiometers (6 players) |
CD 10 | HYMNEN Electronic and Concrete Music |
CD 11 | PROZESSION / PROCESSION Version with tam-tam, electrochord, electronium, piano, filters and potentiometers |
CD 12 | STIMMUNG / TUNING for 6 vocalists – Paris Version (recordings from 1969 and 1982) (2 CDs) |
CD 13 | KURZWELLEN / SHORT-WAVES for 6 players |
CD 14 | AUS DEN SIEBEN TAGEN / FROM THE SEVEN DAYS Intuitive Music (15 recordings on 7 CDs) |
CD 15 | SPIRAL for a soloist (2 versions) |
CD 16 | MANTRA for two pianists (Alfons and Aloys Kontarsky) |
CD 17.1 | FÜR KOMMENDE ZEITEN / FOR TIMES TO COME Intuitive Music (Ensemble for Intuitive Music Weimar) |
CD 18 | STERNKLANG / STAR SOUND Park Music for five groups (2 CDs) |
CD 19 | TRANS for orchestra (world première and studio recording) |
CD 20 | AM HIMMEL WANDRE ICH / IN THE SKY I AM WALKING American Indian songs for 2 voices |
CD 21 | YLEM for 19 players (2 versions) |
CD 22 | INORI Adorations for one or two soloists and orchestra |
CD 23 | ATMEN GIBT DAS LEBEN / BREATHING GIVES LIFE Choir Opera with orchestra |
CD 24 | TIERKREIS / ZODIAC for music boxes |
CD 25 | HARLEKIN / HARLEQUIN for clarinet |
CD 26 | SIRIUS electronic music and trumpet, soprano, bass clarinet, bass (2 CDs) |
CD 28 | Music for flute, piccolo flute, alto flute with Kathinka Pasveer (2 CDs) |
CD 29 | DER JAHRESLAUF / THE COURSE OF THE YEARS for orchestra and tape |
CD 30 | DONNERSTAG aus LICHT / THURSDAY from LIGHT Opera (4 CDs) |
CD 32 | Music for clarinet, bass clarinet, basset-horn with Suzanne Stephens (3 CDs) |
CD 33 | ARIES for trumpet and electronic music (Markus Stockhausen) PIANO PIECE XIII (LUCIFER'S DREAM as piano solo) (Majella Stockhausen) |
CD 34 | SAMSTAG aus LICHT / SATURDAY from LIGHT Opera (4 CDs) |
CD 35 | OBERLIPPENTANZ / UPPER-LIP-DANCE for piccolo trumpet, 4 horns and 2 percussionists |
CD 36 | MONTAG aus LICHT / MONDAY from LIGHT Opera (5 CDs) |
CD 37 | GEBURTSFEST / FESTIVAL OF BIRTH choir music with sound scenes of MONDAY from LIGHT |
CD 39 | Stockhausen conducts Haydn and Mozart (2 CDs) |
CD 40 | DIENSTAG aus LICHT / TUESDAY from LIGHT Opera (2 CDs) |
CD 41 | OKTOPHONIE / OCTOPHONY Electronic Music of TUESDAY from LIGHT |
CD 42 | SYNTHI-FOU (or PIANO PIECE XV) for a synthesizer player and electronic music |
CD 43 | Music for trumpet, piccolo trumpet, flugelhorn with Markus Stockhausen (2 CDs) |
CD 44 | Music for trombone and euphonium with Michael Svoboda: |
CD 45 | SOLO for a melody instrument with feedback: Version for flute (Dietmar Wiesner) – |
CD 46 | SPIRAL for a soloist with short-wave receiver: integral version with Michael Vetter (2 CDs) |
CD 47 | HYMNEN / ANTHEMS (Third Region) Electronic Music with orchestra |
CD 48 | PAARE vom FREITAG / COUPLES of FRIDAY with soprano, bass, electronic instruments |
CD 50 | FREITAG aus LICHT / FRIDAY from LIGHT Opera (4 CDs) |
CD 51 | WELT-PARLAMENT / WORLD PARLIAMENT for choir a cappella |
CD 52 | ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN / ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for orchestra and electronic music |
CD 54 | MICHAELION (4th scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) |
CD 55 | BASSETSU-TRIO for basset-horn, trumpet and trombone of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT |
CD 56 | PIANO PIECES I–XIV with Ellen Corver (3 CDs) |
CD 57 | Music for flute and synthesizer with Kathinka Pasveer and Antonio Pérez Abellán |
CD 60 | ARIES for trumpet and electronic music |
CD 61 | LITANEI 97 / LITANY 97 for choir and conductor (Stockhausen speaks an introduction in German) |
CD 62 | 3x REFRAIN 2000 (German) |
CD 62 | 3x REFRAIN 2000 (English) |
CD 63 | LUZIFERs ZORN / LUCIFER'S FURY for bass, actor, a synthesizer player, tape |
CD 64 | EUROPA-GRUSS / EUROPE GREETING for winds and synthesizers |
CD 65 | 10 Scenes of FRIDAY from LIGHT (2 CDs) |
CD 69 | DÜFTE – ZEICHEN / SCENTS – SIGNS (4th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) |
CD 70 | 9 SCENTS OF THE WEEK (from SCENTS – SIGNS) for 7 vocalists, boy's voice, synthesizer |
CD 71 | HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES for choir (3 CDs: 5 individual groups and the tutti choir for study purposes) |
CD 72 | HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES for orchestra (3 CDs: 5 individual groups and the tutti orchestra for study purposes) |
CD 73 | HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES for orchestra and choir |
CD 74 | SONNTAGS-ABSCHIED / SUNDAY FAREWELL Electronic Music (5 synthesizers) |
CD 75 | STRAHLEN / RAYS for a percussionist and 10-track recording |
CD 76 | Electronic Music of SIRIUS in 4 versions (8 CDs: SPRING Version, SUMMER Version, AUTUMN Version, WINTER Version) |
CD 77 | TIERKREIS / ZODIAC Version 2003 for tenor and synthesizer |
CD 78 | Music for saxophone with Julien Petit |
CD 79 | VIBRA-ELUFA for vibraphone |
CD 80 | MOMENTE / MOMENTS for solo soprano, 4 choir groups and 13 instrumentalists (2 CDs) |
CD 81 | PUNKTE / POINTS for orchestra (recording 2004, conductor: Péter Eötvös) |
CD 82 | MICHAELS-RUF / MICHAEL'S CALL Version for 4 trumpets |
CD 83 | HIMMELFAHRT / ASCENSION Version for synthesizer, soprano and tenor |
CD 84 | FREUDE / JOY for 2 harps (Marianne Smit, Esther Kooi) |
CD 86 | HIMMELS-TÜR / HEAVEN'S DOOR for a percussionist and a little girl |
CD 87 | HARMONIEN / HARMONIES for bass clarinet – HARMONIES for flute – HARMONIES for trumpet |
CD 88 | BALANCE for bass clarinet, English horn, flute – Seventh Hour from KLANG |
CD 89 | HOFFNUNG / HOPE for violoncello, viola, violin – Ninth Hour from KLANG |
CD 90 | TREUE / FIDELETY for bass clarinet, basset-horn, |
CD 91 | COSMIC PULSES Electronic Music – Thirteenth Hour from KLANG |
CD 92 | HAVONA Electronic Music – HAVONA for bass and electronic music |
CD 93 | ORVONTON Electronic Music – ORVONTON for baritone and electronic music |
CD 94 | UVERSA Electronic Music – UVERSA for basset-horn and electronic music |
CD 95 | NEBADON Electronic Music – NEBADON for horn and electronic music |
CD 96 | JERUSEM Electronic Music – JERUSEM for tenor and electronic music |
CD 97 | URANTIA Electronic Music – URANTIA for soprano and electronic music |
CD 98 | EDENTIA Electronic Music – EDENTIA for soprano saxophone and electronic music |
CD 99 | PARADIES (PARADISE) Electronic Music – PARADIES for flute and electronic music |
CD 100 | JUBILÄUM for orchestra |
CD 103 | POLE (POLES) for 2: integral version Michael Vetter and Natascha Nikeprelevic |
CD 104 | EXPO for 3: integral version with Michael Vetter, Natascha Nikeprelevic and F.X.Randomiz |
CD 106 | MIXTUR 2003 for orchestra |
WEDNESDAY from LIGHT consists of CD 66, CD 51, CD 52, CD 53, CD 54, CD 55
SUNDAY from LIGHT consists of CD 58, CD 67, CD 68, CD 69, CD 73, CD 74
Special Edition
In January 2007 the Stockhausen-Verlag released the first Text-CD of a new series: lectures which Stockhausen has given since 1952. The edition is limited to 300 copies per release. He spoke these lectures in German. Most of them are supplemented with musical examples. English translations of the texts may be ordered from the Stockhausen-Verlag.
Text CD 1 | 1 | Orientierung / Orientation 1952–53, Lecture | [47'33] | |
2 | Elektronische Musik / Electronic Music 1953, Lecture | [31'27] | ||
Text CD 2 | 1 | Punktuelle Musik / Point Music, Lecture 1952 | [38'51] | |
2 | Gruppen-Komposition / Group Composition 1952 , Lecture 1955 | [35'09] | ||
Text CD 3 | 1 | Klangkomposition / Klang (Sound) Composition 1953, Lecture | [77'00] | |
Text CD 4 | 1 | Statistische Form (von Webern zu Debussy) / Statistical Form (from Webern to Debussy), Lecture 1954 |
[38'00] | |
2 | ZEITMASZE (1955 / 56), Lecture | [34'00] | ||
Text CD 5 | 1 | GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE 1955, Lecture | [32'00] | |
2 | Musik und Sprache / Music and Speech, Lecture 1957 | [43'00] | ||
Text CD 6 | 1 | Elektronische und instrumentale Musik Electronic and Instrumental Music 1958, Lecture |
[73'00] | |
Text CD 7 | 2 CDs | 1 | MUSIK im RAUM / MUSIC in SPACE 1958, Lecture | [78'30] [78’30] |
Text CD 8 | 2 CDs | 1 | MUSIK und GRAPHIK / MUSIC and GRAPHICS 1959, Lecture | [64'00] [63’00] |
Text CD 9 | 2 CDs | 1 | MOMENTFORM (Unendliche Form) / MOMENT FORM (Unending Form), Lecture 1960 |
[45'00] [45’00] |
Text CD 10 | 1 | ERfindung und ENTdeckung / Invention and Discovery, Lecture 1961 |
[50'05] | |
Text CD 11 | 1 | Einheit der musikalischen Zeit / Unity of Musical Time, Lecture 1961 |
[78'30] | |
Text CD 12 | 2 CDs | 1 | Kadenzrhythmik im Werk Mozarts / Cadential rhythm in the works of Mozart, Lecture 1961 |
[43'00] |
Text CD 13 | 2 CDs | 1 | Vier Kriterien der Elektronischen Musik / Four Criteria of Electronic Music, Lecture 1963 |
[78'30] [37’00] |
Text CD 14 | 1 | MIKROPHONIE I / MICROPHONY I, Lecture 1964 | [64'00] | |
2 | MICROPHONIE I / MICROPHONY II, Lecture 1965 | |||
Text CD 15 | 1 | Elektronische Musik und Automatik / Electronic Music and Automatic, Lecture 1965 |
[73'00] | |
Text CD 16 | 1 | TELEMUSIK / TELEMUSIC, Lecture 1966 | [78'30] | |
Text CD 17 | 2 CDs | 1 | HYMNEN / ANTHEMS, Lecture 1967 | [78'30] [50’00] |
Text CD 18 | 1 | Live-Electronic Music, Lecture 1968 | [55'00] | |
Text CD 19 | 1 | MOMENTE / MOMENTS, Lecture 1963 | [22'12] | |
2 | 1st Interview 1972 | [09'28] | ||
3 | 2nd Interview 1972 | [15'38] | ||
Text CD 20 | 1 | Brief an Heinrich / Letter to Heinrich, Lecture 1969 | [72'00] | |
3 | 2 Interviews 1970 | |||
Text CD 21 | 1 | World Fair Expo '70 in Osaka: 2 Interviews 1970 |
[72'00] | |
2 | KURZWELLEN / SHORT WAVES at the spherical auditorium in Osaka. | |||
Text CD 22 | 1 | "...Ich werde die Töne" / "...I become the tones", Interview 1971 | [72'00] | |
2 | ZUGVOGEL / BIRD OF PASSAGE for Ensemble from FOR TIMES TO COME (1970) | |||
3 | "7 Tage Elektronische Musik" / "7 Days of Electronic Music", Interview 1972 | |||
Text CD 23 | 3 CDs | 1 | Zu Beethovens späte Streichquartette, Interview 1977 On Beethoven's Late String Quartets |
[55'40] [49'00] |
2 | Opus 1970: Stockhoven – Beethausen KURZWELLEN mit Beethoven / SHORT WAVES with Beethoven |
[55'30] | ||
Text CD 24 | 3 CDs | 1 | Zuhören ist eine Kunst / Listening is an Art Interview 1961 |
[73'30] [78'40] |
2 | Die Kunst, zu hören / The Art, to Listen – Lecture 1988 | [72'45] |
Jonathan Cott: STOCKHAUSEN. Conversations with the Composer
(Paperback, 240 pages, in English, Pan Books Ltd., London, 1974)
Hermann Conen: Formel-Komposition – Zu Karlheinz Stockhausens Musik der siebziger Jahre
(280 bound pages in German, hard cover in colour, 129 illustrations, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2009)
Michael Kurtz: Stockhausen, Eine Biographie (in Ger man, Bärenreiter, Kas sel, 1988)
Dettloff Schwerdtfeger: Karlheinz Stockhausens Oper DONNERSTAG aus LICHT –
Ziel und Anfang einer kompositorischen Entwicklung
(80 bound pages, in German, 16 illustrations, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2000)
Günter Peters: Heiliger Ernst im Spiel – Texte zur Musik von Karlheinz Stockhausen
Holy Seriousness in the Play – Essays on the Music of Karlheinz Stockhausen
(308 bound pages, in German and English, hard cover, 66 illustrations, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2003)
(22 pages in English with numerous musical examples and 2 colour photographs)
Richard Toop: Six Lectures from the Stockhausen Courses Kürten 2002
(216 pages in English with numerous musical examples, sketches in colour, hard cover in colour,
Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2005)
Thomas Ulrich: Stockhausen. A Theological Interpretation
(152 pages in English, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2012)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Ein Schlüssel für MOMENTE (A Key to MOMENTE )
The first 14 sketches and 13 second sketches of MOMENTE, together with a foreword, were published in a limited
edition of 250 copies in June 1971, by Edition Boczkowski, Kassel, Germany. The remaining copies of this book of
4-colour prints may be purchased from the Stockhausen-Verlag.
Karlheinz Stockhausen: TEXTE zur MUSIK / TEXTS about MUSIC 1963–1984 (formerly DuMont-Buchverlag, Köln, since 1998 published by the Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten)
- Vol. 1: Texts on electronic and instrumental music;
- Vol. 2: Texts on my own works and about the art of others, current topics;
- Vol. 3: Texts on Music 1963–1970;
- Vol. 4: Texts on Music 1970–1977;
- Vol. 5 / Vol. 6: Texts about Music 1977–1984.
TEXTE zur MUSIK 1984–1991 Volumes 7 to 10 (Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German):
- Vol. 7: New information about works before LIGHT –
About LIGHT until MONDAY from LIGHT – MONDAY from LIGHT; - Vol. 8: TUESDAY from LIGHT – Elec tron ic Music;
- Vol. 9: On LIGHT – Composer and Interpreter – Turn of Time;
- Vol. 10: Astronic Music – Echos of Echos.
TEXTE zur MUSIK 1991–1998 Vol. 11 to 14 (Stockhausen-Verlag, Kürten, in German):
- Vol. 11: Nachsätze: Zu KREUZSPIEL (1951) bis LIBRA (1977) – Werktreue –
Ergänzendes zu LICHT - Vol. 12: FREITAG aus LICHT – Neue Konzertpraxis
- Vol. 13: MITTWOCH aus LICHT – Elektronische Musik
- Vol. 14: Über Musik, Kunst, Gott und die Welt – Blickwinkel –
TEXTE zur MUSIK 1998–2007 Vol. 15 to 17 (Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2014, mainly in German):
- Vol. 15: SONNTAG aus LICHT– Neue Einzelwerke – Stockhausen-Kurse Kürten
- Vol. 16: LICHT-Reflexe – Seitenzweige – Klangproduktion / Klangprojektion
- Vol. 17: KLANG-Zyklus – Geist und Musik – Ausblicke
Karlheinz Stockhausen: JAHRESKREIS / CIRCLE OF THE YEAR – Perpetual calendar with Stockhausen quotes
and illustrations
(740 bound pages in German and English, hard cover, 365 illustrations in colour, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2012)
Karlheinz Stockhausen bei den Internationalen Ferienkursen für Neue Musik in Darmstadt 1951–1996 /
Karlheinz Stockhausen at the International Vacation Courses for New Music in Darmstadt 1951–1996 documents and letters
(646 bound pages, in Ger man, 105 black-and-white photographs, hard cover, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2001)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Kompositorische Grundlagen Neuer Musik.
Sechs Seminare für die Darmstädter Ferienkurse 1970
(304 bound pages in German, hard cover, 91 illustrations, sketches in colour, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2009)
Gedenkschrift für Stockhausen
(246 bound pages with texts in German, English, French, Dutch, Italian,
hard cover in colour, many illustrations, Stockhausen Foundation for Music, 2008)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE Facsimile Edition 2001
(special edition of all the sketches in colour, 308 bound pages, hard cover)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: The Art, to Listen – A musical analysis of the composition IN FRIENDSHIP (in English)
(24 pages in English with numerous musical examples)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: The Art, to Listen – A Musical Analysis of the Composition IN FRIENDSHIP
(24 Seiten in Englisch mit vielen Notenbeispielen)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Introduction to MANTRA (in English)
(16 pages in English with numerous musical examples and a postcard with the MANTRA formula in colour)
The following booklets with work analyses and programme texts were written by Stockhausen during the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten since 1998:
Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1998 with 23 major sketches and complete manuscript of ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN (ORCHESTRA FINALISTS), 2nd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT for orchestra and electronic music, sound projectionist;
Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1999 with 22 major sketches and explanations of WELT-PARLAMENT (WORLD PARLIAMENT) for choir a cappella, 1st scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT;
Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhauen Courses Kuerten 2000 with sketches and explanations of SIRIUS;
Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2001 with sketches and explanations of LICHTER – WASSER (LIGHTS – WATERS), 1st scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT;
Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2002 with sketches and explanations of DER KINDERFÄNGER (THE PIED PIPER);
Special facsimile edition printed for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2003 with sketches and explanations of HOCH-ZEITEN (HIGH-TIMES) for choir, 5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT);
Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2004 with sketches in colour and explanations of DÜFTE – ZEICHEN (SCENTS – SIGNS) for 7 vocalists, boy's voice, synthesizer, 4th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT);
Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2005 with sketch (LICHT-BILDER (LIGHT PICTURES) for basset-horn, flute with ring modulation, tenor, trumpet with ring modulation, synthesizer / sound projectionist, 3rd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT);
Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2006 with sketches in colour and explanations of KLANG (SOUND), First Hour: HIMMELFAHRT (ASCENSION) for organ or synthesizer, soprano and tenor ;
Special facsimile edition published for the composition seminar of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2007 with sketches in colour and explanations of KLANG (SOUND), Second Hour: FREUDE (JOY) for 2 harps;
Programme book of the Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013.
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Libretti of the operas
- DONNERSTAG aus LICHT / THURSDAY from LIGHT (La Scala Milan 1981,
Royal Opera London 1985); - SAMSTAG aus LICHT / SATURDAY from LIGHT (La Scala Milan 1984);
- MONTAG aus LICHT / MONDAY from LIGHT (La Scala Milan 1988);
- DIENSTAG aus LICHT / TUESDAY from LIGHT (Leipzig Opera 1993);
- FREITAG aus LICHT / FRIDAY from LIGHT (Leipzig Opera 1996).
- SONNTAG aus LICHT / SUNDAY from LIGHT (Cologne Opera 2011);
- MITTWOCH aus LICHT / WEDNESDAY from LIGHT (Birmingham Opera 2012).
The following books may either be ordered directly from the publishing companies listed below or purchased in bookstores (if there is difficulty obtaining these books please notify the Stockhausen-Verlag):
Peter Beyer | Regelwerk und Theorie serieller Musik in Karlheinz Stockhausens GRUPPEN für 3 Orchester (in German, Hans Schneider, Tutzing, 2001); |
Christoph von Blumröder: | Die Grundlegung der Musik Karlheinz Stockhausens (in German, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1993); |
Contrechamps: | Karlheinz Stockhausen (Revue semestrielle) (in French, Editions L'age d'homme, Paris, 1988); |
Paul Dirmeikis: | Le Souffle du Temps – Quodlibet pour Karlheinz Stockhausen (in French, Editions Teolo Martius, 1999); |
Rudolf Frisius: | STOCKHAUSEN – Einführung in das Gesamtwerk / Gespräche (in German, Schott, Mainz, 1996); |
Jonathan Harvey: | The Music of Stockhausen (in English, Faber & Faber, London, 1975); |
Winrich Hopp: | Kurzwellen von Karlheinz Stochausen – Konzeption und musikalische Poiesis (in German, Schott, Mainz, 1998); |
José Manuel López: | Karlheinz Stockhausen (in Spanish, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 1990); |
Robin Maconie: | The Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen (in English, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990); |
Imke Misch: | Zur Kompositionstechnik Karlheinz Stockhausens: GRUPPEN für 3 Orchester (1955–1957) (in German, Pfau-Verlag, Saarbrücken, 1999); |
Hans-Jürgen Nagel: | Stockhausen in Calcutta (in English, Seagull Books, Calcutta, 1984); |
Michel Rigoni: | Stockhausen – ...un vaisseau lancé vers le ciel (in French, Millénaire III Editions, 1998); |
Signale aus Köln Bd. 1: | Stockhausen 70 – Das Programmbuch Köln 1998 (in German, Pfau-Verlag, Saarbrücken, 1998); |
Signale aus Köln Bd. 3: | Komposition und Musikwissenschaft im Dialog I (1997–1998) (in German, Pfau-Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2000); |
Signale aus Köln Bd. 4: | Internationales Stockhausen-Symposion 1998 (in German, Pfau-Verlag, Saarbrücken, 1999); |
Signale aus Köln Bd. 10: | Internationales Stockhausen-Symposion 2000 (in German, Lit-Verlag, Münster, 2004); |
Karlheinz Stockhausen: | Stockhausen on Music – Lectures and Interviews compiled by Robin Maconie (in English, Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd., London und New York, 1989); |
Karlheinz Stockhausen: | Towards a Cosmic Music (in English, Element Books, Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1989); |
Mya Tannenbaum: | Stockhausen, Intervista sul genio musicale (in Italian, Laterza & Figli, Bari, 1985). |
Markus Wirtz: | Licht – Die szenische Musik von Karlheinz Stockhausen. Eine Einführung (in German, Pfau-Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2000); |
Karl H. Wörner: | Karlheinz Stockhausen, Werk + Wollen (in German, Musikverlag P. J. Tonger, Rodenkirchen, 1963; English edition [translated by Bill Hopkins], Faber + Faber, London, 1973). |
ZODIAC Music Boxes
12 melodies of the star signs
In 1974, Stockhausen composed the 12 melodies of the star signs for music boxes and produced them in collaboration with technicians at the Reuge music box factory in Ste. Croix, Switzerland. In 1989 the Reuge family sold the company, and the production of these music boxes was discontinued.
After extended negotiations on the part of Suzanne Stephens, and on the occasion of the composer's 70th birth day, an agreement was reached for the one-time manufacture of a limited edition. Each of these music boxes were checked by Suzanne Stephens and Antonio Pérez Abellán on location at the factory and adjusted there before they were shipped to Kürten.
This 70th Birth day Edition is limited to 40 music boxes for each star sign, num bered 1 to 40. They may be ordered directly from the Stockhausen-Verlag.
The melodies are encased in light- coloured natural wood boxes measuring 17.7 x 12.1 cm. The notes of the ZODIAC melody – hand-written and signed by the composer - are silk-screened onto the lid of each music box.
Month | ||
1 | BEARER OF WATER / AQUARIUS | 21. Januar–19. Februar |
2 | FISH / PISCES | February 20th–March 20th |
3 | RAM / ARIES | March 21st–April 21st |
4 | BULL / TAURUS | April 21st–May 21st |
5 | TWINS / GEMINI | Mai 21st–June 21st |
6 | CRAB / CANCER | June 22nd–July 23rd |
7 | LION / LEO | July 23rd–August 22nd |
8 | VIRGIN / VIRGO | August 23rd–September 23rd |
9 | BALANCE / LIBRA | September 23rd–October 22nd |
10 | SCORPION / SCORPIO | October 23rd–November 21st |
11 | ARCHER / SAGITTARIUS | November 22nd–December 21st |
12 | SEA GOAT / CAPRICORN | December 21st–January 20th |

12 melodies of the star signs
English (PDF)
"My life is extremely one-sided: what counts are the works as scores, recordings, films, and books. That is my spirit formed into music and a sonic universe of moments of my soul." / (K. Stockhausen September 25th 2007)
Selection of films on the works 1
Abbreviations and the addresses of the film producers are listed on page 67.
1 | This is a list of several recommended films. A comprehensive list of films (made until 1998) about Stockhausen's work is printed in TEXTS about MUSIC Volume 10 (pp. 821–843). The addresses of the producers or distributors are listed at the end. Copies of most of the films are in the archives of the Stockhausen Foundation for Music. |
duration of film, producer, archive number |
1. | 1965 | MOMENTE (Gérard Patris) (M. Arroyo, K. Stockhausen,WDR-Chor, Musique Vivante, Aloys and Alfons Kontarsky) English 16 mm and BetaSP French German |
45'51" INA / WDR 4456-1 black-and-white |
2. | 1966 | MIKROPHONIE I (Sylvain Dhomme) (Alfred Alings, Harald Bojé, Johannes Fritsch, Aloys Kontarsky, Hugh Davies, Stockhausen)) French 35 mm,16 mm and BetaSP |
27'12" INA / WDR 4380 Colour |
3. | 1969 | Stockhausen in den Höhlen von Jeita (Anne-Marie Deshayes) (Stockhausen in the caves of Jeita) (HYMNEN, KURZWELLEN, SPIRAL, STIMMUNG) English 35 mm, 16 mm and U-Matic French German |
45' und 57' MIDEM - Colour |
4. | 1969 | WORKSHOP: the same trade as Mozart (Interview on Electronic Music. Performance of BBC Archive – black-and-white intuitive music AUS DEN SIEBEN TAGEN) English 16 mm |
55' BBC Archive – black-and-white |
5. | 1970 | STOCKHOVEN-BEETHAUSEN OPUS 1970 (Hans G. Helms) (KURZWELLEN with Beethoven) German 16 mm and U-Matic |
49'16" WDR 8474 (8483) - black-and-white |
6. | 1971 | Ich werde die Töne - die Weltschau des Karlheinz Stockhausen (I become the tones – the world-view of Karlheinz Stockhausen) German 16 mm and U-Matic |
30'44" WDR 9181 - black-and-white |
7. | 1971 | Musical Forming (Lecture I) (Allied Artists, Robert Slotover) english 16 mm and U-Matic |
135' AA - Colour and black-and-white |
8. | 1971 | MIKROPHONIE I (Lecture II) English 16 mm and U-Matic |
58' AA – Colour and black-and-white |
9. | 1971 | Moment-Forming and Integration (Lecture III) (MOMENTE) English 16 mm and U-Matic |
99' AA - Colour and black-and-white |
10. | 1971 | Intuitive Music (Lecture IV) English 16 mm and U-Matic |
60' AA – Colour and black-and-white |
11. | 1971 | Questions and Answers on Intuitive Music (KONTAKTE) English 16 mm and U-Matic |
35' AA – Colour and black-and-white |
12. | 1971 | Four Criteria of Electronic Music (Lecture V) (KONTAKTE) englisch 16 mm and U-Matic |
105' AA - Colour and black-and-white |
13. | 1971 | Questions and Answers on Four Criteria of Electronic Music English 16 mm and U-Matic |
40' AA – Colour and black-and-white |
14. | 1971 | TELEMUSIC (Lecture VI) English 16 mm and U-Matic |
60' AA - Colour and black-and-white |
15. | 1971 | MANTRA (Lecture VII) englisch 16 mm und U-Matic |
120' AA – Farbe und schwarz /weiß |
16. | 1971 | Questions and Answers on MANTRA English 16 mm and U-Matic |
60' AA – Colour and black-and-white |
17. | 1971 | MANTRA – Ein Probenbericht / A rehearsal reportage (Aloys und Alfons Kontarsky) German MAZ |
56'23" SWR 0001112 / PN 0302007 – Colour |
18. | 1971 | MANTRA English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic 16 mm |
56'23" Inter Nationes – Colour |
19. | 1972 | ALPHABET POUR LIÈGE French 16 mm and U-Matic |
42' RTBF – Colour |
20. | 1973 | TRANS...und so weiter (Gérard Patris) (TRANS, MIKROPHONIE I, REFRAIN, HYMNEN, AM HIMMEL WANDRE ICH, CEYLON) German 16 mm and BetaSP |
58'43" ZDF – Colour |
21. | 1973 | FULL HOUSE: YLEM (K. Stockhausen, London Sinfonietta) English U-Matic |
60' BBC – Colour |
22. | 1974 | INORI (K. Stockhausen, Sinfonieorchester des SWF, Elizabeth Clarke, Alain Louafi, Bernhard Wosien) German MAZ and U-Matic |
70' SWR 87 / PN 200 350 – Colour |
23. | 1974 | INORI 2 German MAZ and U-Matic |
82'30" ZDF – Colour |
2The same version as film no. 22, but supplemented with excerpts of VORTRAG ÜBER HU (LECTURE ON HU).. | ||||||
24. | 1975 | INORI (mit Einführungstext Stockhausens) (K. Stockhausen, Sinfonieorchester der RAI Rom, Alain Louafi) Italian 16 mm |
ca. 75' RAI – Colour |
26. | 1979 | Introduction à la Musique Contemporaine No. 6: Musique et Récit (Michel Fano) (Stockhausen conducts the Ensemble Intercontemporain Paris with KREUZSPIEL and KONTRA-PUNKTE gives introductions to these works) French BetaSP |
ca. 60' INA – Colour |
27. | 1980 | Omnibus: Tuning in with Stockhausen and the Sing Circle (MOMENTE, MIKROPHONIE II, KONTAKTE, GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE, MANTRA, KURZWELLEN, HYMNEN, AUS DEN 7 TAGEN, STERNKLANG) English 16 mm |
ca. 50' BBC – Colour |
28. | 1981 | "Notenschlüssel": Stockhausen und seine Werke ("Clef": Stockhausen and his works) (MANTRA, INORI, ALPHABET POUR LIÈGE, KONTAKTE) German MAZ and U-Matic |
44'27" SWR 0003564 – Colour |
29. | 1984 | SAMSTAG aus LICHT: Karlheinz Stockhausens zweiter Schöpfungstag (Karlheinz Stockhausen's second day of creation) German U-Matic |
29'45" WDR - Colour |
30. | 1984 | SAMSTAG aus LICHT: Das Menschheitstheater des Karlheinz Stockhausen: Der zweite Tag (Karlheinz Stockhausen’s theatre of humanity - The second day) German U-Matic |
29'53" WDR 0126 309 – Colour |
31. | 1984 | Das Welttheater des Karlheinz Stockhausen (SAMSTAG aus LICHT) (The world theatre of Karlheinz Stockhausen – SATURDAY from LIGHT) German MAZ |
60'42" WDR 0127207 – Colour |
32. | 1984 | HYMNEN mit Solisten und Orchester Stockhausen dirigiert das Radio-Orchester Budapest (with interview) Hungarian / German U-Matic |
ca. 125' Magyar Televizio – Colour |
33. | 1985 | KATHINKAs GESANG de Karlheinz Stockhausen French U-Matic |
33'21" I.R.C.A.M. – Colour |
34. | 1985 | DONNERSTAG aus LICHT in Covent Garden ("Saturday Review" with Peter Heyworth) English 16 mm |
20' BBC – Colour |
35. | 1987 | Musikalische Visionen / Musical Visions (Stockhausen talks with Mogens Andersen) English U-Matic |
60' DR – TV - Colour |
36. | 1988 | Stockhausen – LICHTWERKE / LIGHT WORKS (Henning Lohner) (MOMENTE, HYMNEN, STIMMUNG, and especially: MONTAG aus LICHT) German MAZ und U-Matic |
ca. 55' St. – Colour |
37. | 1988 | Stockhausen in Mailand (Musikwerkstatt first part) (MONTAG aus LICHT) German U-Matic |
60' ZDF – Colour |
38. | 1988 | Wer Ohren hat zu hören, der höre! (He who has ears to hear, let him hear) Hommage à K. Stockhausen on the occasion of his 60th birthday (MONTAG aus LICHT) German U-Matic |
60' WDR 0155950 – Colour |
39. | 1990 | Stockhausen in Straßburg (GRUPPEN for 3 orchestras, Südwestfunk Symphony Orchestra) German U-Matic |
35'55" SWR 0022020 – Colour |
40. | 1990 | MICHAELs REISE UM DIE ERDE Soloists' Version Solisten-Version German U-Matic |
30' WDR 0184344 – Colour |
41. | 1990 | EXAMEN vom DONNERSTAG aus LICHT (José Montes-Baquer) (with introduction by Stockhausen) German U-Matic |
36'57" WDR 0188355 – Colour |
42. | 1994 | Musikreport: Stockhausen MIKROPHONIE-Gong (Robert Paiste in Kürten) German U-Matic |
30' SWR – Colour |
43. | 1995 | HELIKOPTER-STREICHQUARTETT (Frank Scheffer) German /English 16 mm und BetaSP |
76' Allegri Films – Colour |
44. | 1996 | (Interview at the Studio for Electronic Music of the WDR during the realisation of the electronic music of FRIDAY from LIGHT) English BetaSP |
60' ABC – Colour |
45. | 1996 | LICHT– Das Welttheater des Karlheinz Stockhausen (The creation of FREITAG aus LICHT at the Leipzig Opera) German BetaSP |
44'15" WDR – Colour |
46. | 1998 | INORI in Amsterdam (Niederländisches Radio Kammerorchester conducted by Péter Eötvös, VARA – Colour sound projection and musical supervision: K. Stockhausen) Dutch/German BetaSP |
90' VARA – Colour |
47. | 1998 | Grand entretien du Cercle de Minuit (Stockhausen talks with Laure Adler im Cité de la Musique, Paris, where INORI with Ensemble Intercontemporain is performed.) French BetaSP |
67' Société National de Télévision – Colour |
48. | 1998 | Metropolis – (Die Zeit TV, Sendung 8. 8. 1998) (Interview with Felix Schmidt on the occasion of Stockhausen's 70th birthday in Stuttgart, where rehearsals of MICHAELION take place.) German BetaSP |
ca. 30' AVE – Colour |
49. | 1998 | Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1998 (All concerts and composition seminars) English Hi-8 |
ca. 75 Hours St. – Colour |
50. | 1999 | Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 1999 (All concerts and composition seminars) English Hi-8 |
ca. 75 Hours St. – Colour |
51. | 2000 | Music Masters: Karlheinz Stockhausen (Stockhausen in rehearsals during the Stockhausen Kurse Kürten 2000 [SIRIUS, 3x REFRAIN 2000, FREIA]; at the studio for Electronic Music of the WDR in 1969 with rotation table for KONTAKTE; during the Cologne Courses for New Music, ca. 1969 giving a seminar on intuitive music) English BetaSP |
60' BBC – Colour |
52. | 1999 | Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2000 (All concerts and composition seminars) English Hi-8 |
ca. 75 Hours St. – Colour |
53. | 2000 | IN ABSENTIA (Film by the Brothers Quay to the music TWO COUPLES by Stockhausen) BetaSP |
21' BBC – Colour |
54. | 2001 to 2007 | Stockhausen Courses Kuerten 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 (All concerts and composition seminars) English Hi-8 / DVCAM |
ca. 525 Hours St. – Colour |
55. | 2007 | TECHSTUFF (Interview with Stockhausen in Weissen Haus, Kürten, through its Electronic Music) English DVD |
ca. 30' Isbn Edizioni – Colour |
Addresses of the film producers, in alphabetical order:
Allegri Films Keizersgracht 169 1016 DP Amsterdam Netherlands |
Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) Fernseharchiv Gazellenkamp 57 22504 Hamburg Germany |
Allied Artists (AA) Attn.: Robert Slotover 42 Montpelier Square London SW7 England |
Oper Leipzig Augustinusplatz 12 04109 Leipzig Germany |
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) TV Arts and Entertainment 10–16 Selwyn Street Elsternwich Victoria 318 S Australia |
Radio Televisione Italiano (RAI) via del Babuino 9 00100 Rom Italy |
AVE Fernsehproduktion Schützenstr. 18 10117 Berlin Germany |
Radio Télévision Belge Français Liège (RTBF) Palais des Congrès 4020 Liège Belgium |
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Television Centre Wood Lane London W12 7 RJ England |
Société Nationale de Télévision France 2 41, Ave. de Wagram 75017 Paris France |
Anne-Marie Deshayes (MIDEM) 13, rue de Bellevue 75019 Paris France |
Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik (St.) Kettenberg 15 51515 Kürten Germany |
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA) 4, Ave. de l'Europe 94366 Bry-sur-Marne France |
Werbung im Südwestrundfunk (SWR) Produktionsverwertung Pf 1115 76522 Baden-Baden Germany |
Inter Nationes Kennedyallee 91-103 53175 Bonn Germany |
VARA Televisie Post Bus 175 1200 AD Hilversum Netherlands |
Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique / Musique (I.R.C.A.M.) Département de Communication 31, rue Ste. Merri 75004 Paris France |
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) Fernsehen Musik Appellhofplatz 50600 Köln Germany |
Isbn Edizioni via Melzo 9 20129 Milano Italy |
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) Programmverwertung und -Übernahme ZDF Straße 1 Pf 4040 55100 Mainz Germany |
Magyar Televizio Bródy Sándor 5-7 1800 Budapest Hungary |