Special Edition Text-CDs
Stockhausen Complete Edition on CD
Since 1991, a complete edition of all recordings in which Karlheinz Stockhausen has personally participated is being released on compact discs. Each CD in this series is identified by Stockhausen's signature followed by an encircled number. The numbers indicate the general historical order of the works.
Stockhausen realised the electronic music and participated in these recordings as conductor, performer, sound projectionist, and musical director. He personally mixed down the recordings, mastered them for CDs, wrote the texts and drew the covers.
- The compact discs may be obtained from the Stockhausen-Verlag: Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kuerten, Germany (www.stockhausenCDs.com).
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Special Edition Text-CDs
In January 2007 the Stockhausen-Verlag released the first Text-CD of a new series: lectures which Stockhausen has given since 1952. The edition is limited to 300 copies per release. He spoke these lectures in German. Most of them are supplemented with musical examples. English translations of the texts may be ordered from the Stockhausen-Verlag.
Now you may also order online
the Stockhausen Special Edition Text-CDs and pay by PayPal:
Text CD 1 | 1 | Orientierung / Orientation 1952–53, Lecture | [47'33] | |
2 | Elektronische Musik / Electronic Music 1953, Lecture | [31'27] | ||
Text CD 2 | 1 | Punktuelle Musik / Point Music, Lecture 1952 | [38'51] | |
2 | Gruppen-Komposition / Group Composition 1952 , Lecture 1955 | [35'09] | ||
Text CD 3 | 1 | Klangkomposition / Klang (Sound) Composition 1953, Lecture | [77'00] | |
Text CD 4 | 1 | Statistische Form (von Webern zu Debussy) / Statistical Form (from Webern to Debussy), Lecture 1954 |
[38'00] | |
2 | ZEITMASZE (1955 / 56), Lecture | [34'00] | ||
Text CD 5 | 1 | GESANG DER JÜNGLINGE 1955, Lecture | [32'00] | |
2 | Musik und Sprache / Music and Speech, Lecture 1957 | [43'00] | ||
Text CD 6 | 1 | Elektronische und instrumentale Musik Electronic and Instrumental Music 1958, Lecture |
[73'00] | |
Text CD 7 | 2 CDs | 1 | MUSIK im RAUM / MUSIC in SPACE 1958, Lecture | [78'30] [78’30] |
Text CD 8 | 2 CDs | 1 | MUSIK und GRAPHIK / MUSIC and GRAPHICS 1959, Lecture | [64'00] [63’00] |
Text CD 9 | 2 CDs | 1 | MOMENTFORM (Unendliche Form) / MOMENT FORM (Unending Form), Lecture 1960 |
[45'00] [45’00] |
Text CD 10 | 1 | ERfindung und ENTdeckung / Invention and Discovery, Lecture 1961 |
[50'05] | |
Text CD 11 | 1 | Einheit der musikalischen Zeit / Unity of Musical Time, Lecture 1961 |
[78'30] | |
Text CD 12 | 2 CDs | 1 | Kadenzrhythmik im Werk Mozarts / Cadential rhythm in the works of Mozart, Lecture 1961 |
[43'00] |
Text CD 13 | 2 CDs | 1 | Vier Kriterien der Elektronischen Musik / Four Criteria of Electronic Music, Lecture 1963 |
[78'30] [37’00] |
Text CD 14 | 1 | MIKROPHONIE I / MICROPHONY I, Lecture 1964 | [64'00] | |
2 | MICROPHONIE I / MICROPHONY II, Lecture 1965 | |||
Text CD 15 | 1 | Elektronische Musik und Automatik / Electronic Music and Automatic, Lecture 1965 |
[73'00] | |
Text CD 16 | 1 | TELEMUSIK / TELEMUSIC, Lecture 1966 | [78'30] | |
Text CD 17 | 2 CDs | 1 | HYMNEN / ANTHEMS, Lecture 1967 | [78'30] [50’00] |
Text CD 18 | 1 | Live-Electronic Music, Lecture 1968 | [55'00] | |
Text CD 19 | 1 | MOMENTE / MOMENTS, Lecture 1963 | [22'12] | |
2 | 1st Interview 1972 | [09'28] | ||
3 | 2nd Interview 1972 | [15'38] | ||
Text CD 20 | 1 | Brief an Heinrich / Letter to Heinrich, Lecture 1969 | [72'00] | |
3 | 2 Interviews 1970 | |||
Text CD 21 | 1 | World Fair Expo '70 in Osaka: 2 Interviews 1970 |
[72'00] | |
2 | KURZWELLEN / SHORT WAVES at the spherical auditorium in Osaka. | |||
Text CD 22 | 1 | "...Ich werde die Töne" / "...I become the tones", Interview 1971 | [72'00] | |
2 | ZUGVOGEL / BIRD OF PASSAGE for Ensemble from FOR TIMES TO COME (1970) | |||
3 | "7 Tage Elektronische Musik" / "7 Days of Electronic Music", Interview 1972 | |||
Text CD 23 | 3 CDs | 1 | Zu Beethovens späte Streichquartette, Interview 1977 On Beethoven's Late String Quartets |
[55'40] [49'00] |
2 | Opus 1970: Stockhoven – Beethausen KURZWELLEN mit Beethoven / SHORT WAVES with Beethoven |
[55'30] | ||
Text CD 24 | 3 CDs | 1 | Zuhören ist eine Kunst / Listening is an Art Interview 1961 |
[73'30] [78'40] |
2 | Die Kunst, zu hören / The Art, to Listen – Lecture 1988 | [72'45] |