Stockhausen-Foundation for Music
Stockhausen Complete Edition on CD
Since 1991, a complete edition of all recordings in which Karlheinz Stockhausen has personally participated is being released on compact discs. Each CD in this series is identified by Stockhausen's signature followed by an encircled number. The numbers indicate the general historical order of the works.
Stockhausen realised the electronic music and participated in these recordings as conductor, performer, sound projectionist, and musical director. He personally mixed down the recordings, mastered them for CDs, wrote the texts and drew the covers.
- The compact discs may be obtained from the Stockhausen-Verlag: Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kuerten, Germany (www.stockhausenCDs.com).
We need YOUR support!
"The angel waves a large bank note (...); in this JAHRESLAUF (COURSE OF THE YEARS), the money comes from an angel, and I have nothing against the fact that the money is divine; its purpose is to stimulate creativity, provide more freedom for creative work."
The Stockhausen Foundation for Music has existed since November 14, 1994 as a non-profit foundation to "support musicology and musical life on the basis of the creative oeuvre of Professor Karlheinz Stockhausen".
The foundation's task is to maintain Karlheinz Stockhausen's oeuvre and conserve and propagate his intellectual heritage. In order to fulfil this educational mission, the Stockhausen Foundation for Music supports musical performance practice, collects, archives and secures the estate in its own archive facilities and publishes Stockhausen’s scores, recordings and writings. Further information is available in our brochure (s. PDF at right).
In order to secure Stockhausen's musical and intellectual heritage for the future and to fulfil the multifarious tasks associated with it, the Stockhausen Foundation for Music requires financial support. You can become an "angel" in Stockhausen's sense by becoming a friend, patron, or sponsor!
All donations to the Stockhausen Foundation for Music are tax-deductible because of its scientific purpose. We will automatically send you a receipt for your donation.
How to Contribute
The friends are the basis of the continuous support for our work. Over and above their yearly contribution, the members of this group serve as ambassadors and multipliers. This kind of promotion is fundamental for the success of the foundation. Become a friend of the Stockhausen Foundation for Music!
Your advantages: You receive a receipt for your donation (from 60 € upwards), which is tax-deductible. In addition, you receive an exclusive invitation to the members’ concert or an annual gift.
For an annual contribution of at least 1,000 € (private persons) or 5,000 € (businesses and other organisations), you attain the status of "Patron" and receive additional privileges such as being named as a patron in diverse publications by the foundation (Internet, Annual Report, etc.) and on our patrons’ plaque.
Single and Project-Related Contributions
Single donations of any size also help us achieve our goals. It is up to you whether your donation is to be used for general work within the foundation or whether it should be used for a specific project. For example, you can become a film patron for the digitalisation of a particular film "Stockhausen rehearses..." or finance a music educational project (in the region of Bergisches Land) or support the Stockhausen Concerts and Courses Kürten. We would be happy to send you a list of current projects to choose from.
Sponsors and Testamentary Gifts
The Stockhausen Foundation for Music can also benefit from testamentary gifts; or you can become a "sponsor" and donate to the asset-basis of the Stockhausen Foundation for Music, which not only provides long-term support, but also gives you more effective tax deduction advantages. We would be happy to advise you on these alternatives at a personal meeting.
Membership and Donations
To become a member of one of these categories, please use the PDF form on the right.
For individual donations you may use the following links via PayPal.