Instrumentation Works for Orchestra
Stockhausen Complete Edition on CD
Since 1991, a complete edition of all recordings in which Karlheinz Stockhausen has personally participated is being released on compact discs. Each CD in this series is identified by Stockhausen's signature followed by an encircled number. The numbers indicate the general historical order of the works.
Stockhausen realised the electronic music and participated in these recordings as conductor, performer, sound projectionist, and musical director. He personally mixed down the recordings, mastered them for CDs, wrote the texts and drew the covers.
- The compact discs may be obtained from the Stockhausen-Verlag: Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kuerten, Germany (www.stockhausenCDs.com).
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Instrumentation Works for Orchestra
Large Instrumentation
INORI can be performed by a large orchestra (89 musicians) or by a small orchestra (33 musicians).
In both cases, the same score is used. Special indications in the score mark the small instrumentation.
The orchestral parts of the two versions are different.
4 flutes (lst and 2nd also play piccolo, 3rd also plays alto flute) |
4 oboes |
4 clarinets (2nd also plays E-flat clarinet) |
4 bassoons (4th also plays contrabassoon) |
4 horns I |
4 horns II |
4 trumpets |
3 trombones (3 tenor trombones with F attachment, 3rd also plays bass trombone) |
1 tuba (with sousaphone bell) |
Each trumpet and lst and 2nd trombone need 3 mutes: straight mute, cup mute, wawa mute (or plunger ad lib.); the bass trombone needs straight mute and cup mute. Special mutes must be obtained for trombones which have extra large bores. |
4 percussionists: |
1. 14 "sound plates" C -C![]() ![]() 1 slap stick (see bar 893) |
2.) 16 rm ![]() ![]() |
3.) vibraphone and antique cymbals ( 2 chromatic octaves plus high C and C ![]() ![]() be specially made): ![]() |
4.) wreath of Indian bells (approx. 100 small bells strung on a ring of wire)
vibraphone (bars 442 - 849). (It is possible to play everything on l vibraphone,
but a second vibraphone simplifies the performance.)
For control of independent tempi, the 3rd and 4th players need a silent metronome with a flashing light, placed on a music stand so that they can both see it. |
1 grand piano (with 3 pedals) without lid |
14 violins I |
12 violins II |
l0 violas |
8 violoncelli |
8 double basses (all with 5 strings) |
The performance material consists of
89 individual orchestra parts, numbered 1 - 89, 1 (or 2) Prayer Part (s), 2 scores for conductor and sound projectionist.
Instructions Concerning the Instruments
The best player of horns I (high horns) should be Hn. I/ 1, the second best
should be Hn. I/3.
Hn. II/1 must be very good and a good leader, Hn. II/4 should be the second best
of the low horns.
The pitches of the low horns must be constantly checked, because some horn
players simply play an octave too high. The very low, fast passages are also playable!
The individual parts for the horns are notated a fifth higher, even in ; thus all
horns sound a fifth lower than notated in the parts.
In places where "gestopft" (stopped) is indicated for longer stretches, a small metal mute which produces the same timbre may be used (see bars 471 - 596).
In the trumpet section, Tp. 1 should be the best, Tp. 3 the second best.
Notation for the wawa mutes by means of circles over the notes:
vowel timbre
tube openclosed with fingers.
If the closed position is too soft in
, the fingers should be spread open
gradual transition,
open quickly with an accent and close again.
The 3rd trombonist should actually change between tenor trombone with F attachment and bass trombone. However, until now musicians have been unwilling to do this, and the entire part of the 3rd trombone has been played on a bass trombone. Then, of course, sections which have high G become heavy and too loud. Thus, it would be better to find a trombonist who can change instruments.
The trombones should play as "dolce
", i. e. not brassy; the conductor
will indicate any exceptions.
For the wawa mutes, the same notation is used as for the trumpets.
The sousaphone attachment ( called a recording bell or also front bell ) which is screwed onto the bore of a normal tuba is not found everywhere and is not willingly used everywhere. The symphony orchestra of the Südwestfunk, Baden- Baden, has one. This sousaphone bell should, especially at bar 157 and bars 820-830, aid in producing a shattered, brassy sound similar to that of a loud bass trombone. In loud sections it should project the sound directly into the hall.
With an E-flat tuba without a sousaphone bell, the tuba player of the BBC Symphony Orchestra was able to arrive at almost the same brassy effect.
A tuba player at NOS-Radio Hilversum played a C tuba (Kaiser tuba).
He could produce a brassy sound during these sections, without a sousaphone
attachment, but bars 820-823 sounded too muffled, and, especially in the high
range, this tuba was too loud.
Thus, if possible, this large tuba should not be used, and the desired sousaphone
bell should be obtained.
A sousaphone should not be used.
Tubas with recording bell can be ordered from the manufacturers Alexander in
(4 F tubas with recording bell exist in the Staatskapelle Bühl.)
Sousaphone bells inserted into the normal tuba bell change the intonation of the instrument, and this is difficult to rectify; those which are screwed on should therefore be used.
Small Instrumentation
INORI can also be performed by a small orchestra of 33 musicians, when the instruments are amplified using microphones.
As previously explained, the same score is used for the Small Instrumentation as for the large. Instrument numbers and instructions in [ ] apply to the Small Instrumentation (see Vln. I and II in the score). However, the individual performance parts are different, and they must be studied by the conductor.
The corresponding instruments from the Large Instrumentation are given beside the following list of instruments for the Small Instrumentation.
The Instructions Concerning the Instruments in the chapter Large Instrumentation also apply to the Small Instrumentation.
Instruments | correspond in the Large Instrumentation to: |
2 flutes: | 1st (also piccolo) | 1st Fl. |
2nd (also alto flute) | 3rd Fl. | |
2 oboes: | 1st | 1st Ob. |
2nd | 3rd Ob. | |
2 clarinets: | 1st | 1st Cl. |
2nd (also E-flat clarinet — new part) | 3rd Cl. | |
2 bassoons: | 1st | 1st Bsn. |
2nd (also contrabassoon) | 4th Bsn. | |
2 trumpets: | 1st | 1st Tp. |
2nd | 3rd Tp. | |
2 horns I: | 1st | 1st Hn. I |
2nd | 3rd Hn. I | |
2 horns II: | 1st | 1st Hn. II |
2nd | 4th Hn. II | |
2 trombones: | 1st (with F attachment) | 1st Trb. |
2nd (also bass trombone) | 3rd Trb. | |
1 tuba | Tuba | |
3 violins I: | I/1 (new part) | 1st+ 2nd Vln. I |
I/2 (new part) | 5th+ 6th Vln. I | |
I/3 (new part) | 13th+ 14th Vln. I | |
2 violins II: | II/1 (new part) | 1st+ 2nd Vln. II |
II/2 (new part) | 7th+ 8th Vln. II | |
2 violas: | 1st | 1st Vla. |
2nd | 7th Vla. | |
2 violoncelli: | 1st | 1st Vc. |
2nd | 7th Vc. | |
2 double basses: | 1st | 1st Db. |
2nd | 5th Db. | |
1 piano 4 percussionists 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ______________ 33 musicians |