Compositions for double bass
Stockhausen Complete Edition on CD
Since 1991, a complete edition of all recordings in which Karlheinz Stockhausen has personally participated is being released on compact discs. Each CD in this series is identified by Stockhausen's signature followed by an encircled number. The numbers indicate the general historical order of the works.
Stockhausen realised the electronic music and participated in these recordings as conductor, performer, sound projectionist, and musical director. He personally mixed down the recordings, mastered them for CDs, wrote the texts and drew the covers.
- The compact discs may be obtained from the Stockhausen-Verlag: Kettenberg 15, 51515 Kuerten, Germany (www.stockhausenCDs.com).
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Compositions for double bass until 2007
(with the exception of works for large orchestra)
The scores up to and including work number 29 are published by Universal Edition, Vienna, Austria, with the exception of the works for electronic music, MOMENTE, and HYMNEN with orchestra. All scores starting with work number 30 are published by the Stockhausen-Verlag, 51515 Kürten, Germany, and may be ordered directly.
Werk Nr. / work no. | |
1/10 | DREI LIEDER für Altstimme und Kammerorchester (Fl. / 2 Klar. / Fag. / Tp. / Pos. / 2 Schlagz. / Klavier / elektr. Cembalo / Streicher [z. B. 6 Vl., 3 Vla., 3 Vc., 3 Kontrabässe]) |
THREE SONGS for alto voice and chamber orchestra (fl. / 2 cl. / bsn. / tp. / trb. / 2 perc. / piano / elec. harpsichord / strings [for example. 6 vl., 3 vla, 3 vc, 3 double basses]) |
1/6 | FORMEL für Orchester [28 Spieler] (3 Ob. / 3 Kl. / 3 Fg. / 3 Hn. / 6 Vl. / 3 Vc. / 3 Kontrabässe / Vibr. / Celesta / Klavier / Harfe) |
FORMULA for orchestra [28 players] (3 ob. / 3 cl. / 3 bsn. / 3 hn. / 6 vl. / 3 vc. / 3 double basses / vibr. / celesta / piano / harp) | |
14 | PLUS-MINUS 2 x 7 Seiten für Ausarbeitungen / 2 x 7 pages for realisation |
16½ | MIXTUR 2003 (Fl. / Oboe / Klar. / Fg. / 2 Hn. / Tp. / Pos. / 3 Schlagz. / 8 Vl. / 4 Vla. / 2 Vc / 2 Kontrabässe / 4 Generatorspieler / 4 Klangmischer) |
MIXTURE 2003 (fl. / oboe / cl. / bsn. / 2 hn. / tp. / trb. / 3 perc. / 8 vl. / 4 vla. / 2 vc. / 2 double basses / 4 generator players / 4 sound mixers) |
16 2/3 | MIXTUR für kleine Besetzung (Fl. / Oboe / Klar. / Fg. / 2 Hn. / Tp. / Pos. / 3 Schlagz. / 8 Vl. / 4 Vla. / 2 Vc / 2 Kontrabässe / 4 Generatorspieler / 4 Klangmischer) |
MIXTURE for small orchestra (fl. / oboe / cl. / bsn. / 2 hn. / tp. / trb. / 3 perc. / 8 vl. / 4 vla. / 2 vc. / 2 double basses / 4 generator players / 4 sound mixers) |
19 | SOLO für Melodie-Instrument mit Rückkopplung / for melody instrument with feedback |
26 | AUS DEN SIEBEN TAGEN 15 Textkompositionen für Intuitive Musik |
FROM THE SEVEN DAYS 15 text compositions for intuitive music | |
27 | SPIRAL für einen Solisten mit Kurzwellen-Empfänger / for a soloist with short-wave receiver |
30 | POLE für 2 Spieler / Sänger mit Kurzwellen-Empfänger / for 2 players / singers with short-wave receivers |
31 | EXPO für 3 Spieler / Sänger mit Kurzwellen-Empfänger / for 3 players / singers with short-wave receivers |
33 | INORI Anbetungen für einen oder zwei Solisten und Orchester in kleiner Besetzung (33 Instr.: 2 Fl. / 2 Oboen / 2 Klar. [2. auch Es-Klar.] / 2 Fg. [2. auch Kfg.] / 2 Tp. / 2 Hn. I / 2 Hn. II / 2 Pos. [2. auch Baßpos.] / 1 Tuba / 3 Vl. I / 2 Vl. II / 2 Vla. / 2 Vc. / 2 Kontrabässe / 1 Klav. / 4 Schlagz.) |
INORI Adorations for one or two soloists and small orchestra (33 instr.: 2 fl. / 2 oboes / 2 clar. [2nd also clar. in ![]() 1 tuba / 3 vl. I / 2 vl. II / 2 vla. / 2 vc. / 2 double basses / 1 piano / 4 perc.) |
41½ | TIERKREIS 12 Melodien der Sternzeichen für ein Melodie- und/oder Akkordinstrument |
ZODIAC 12 Melodies of the Star Signs for a melody and/or chordal instrument | |
41 7/8 | TIERKREIS für Kammerorchester (Klarinette, Horn, Fagott, Streicher) |
ZODIAC for chamber orchestra (clarinet, horn, bassoon, strings) | |
46 7/8 | IN FREUNDSCHAFT für Kontrabaß |
IN FRIENDSHIP for double bass | |
2. ex 48 | HALT (aus MICHAELs REISE) für Trompete und Kontrabaß |
HALT (from MICHAEL’S JOURNEY) for trumpet and double bass | |
1. ex 57¾ | DIE 7 LIEDER DER TAGE (vom MONTAG aus LICHT) für Singstimme (auch Kinderstimme) oder Singstimme und Akkord-Instrument oder Melodie-Instrument oder Melodie-Instrument und Akkord-Instrument – Ausgabe im Original-Register und Hoch-Register |
THE 7 SONGS OF THE DAYS (of MONDAY from LIGHT) for voice (also child's voice) or voice and chordal instrument or melody instrument or melody instrument and chordal instrument – edition with original register and high register |
68 | ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN (2. Szene vom MITTWOCH aus LICHT) für Orchester (mit 2 Kontrabässen) und Elektronische Musik, Klangregisseur (szenisch 13 Instrumentalisten, mit 1 Kontrabaß) |
ORCHESTRA FINALISTS (2nd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) for orchestra (with 2 double basses) and electronic music, sound projectionist (13 instrumentalists when staged, with 1 double bass) |
11. ex 68 | KONTRABASS aus ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN für Kontrabaß, einen Schlagzeuger und Elektronische Musik mit Klangregisseur |
DOUBLE BASS from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS for double bass, a percussionist and electronic music with sound projectionist | |